Pyrocam III
User Guide
Document No. 50361-001
Rev E
Page 14
The X and Y values show the current pixel location of the cursor. This setting selects which pixel
can be adjusted using the manual method.
Save and Load
group allows you to save and retrieve a GC table text file.
Software Gain Correction
Enable/disable the built in software gain correction. Defaults enabled when a gain table
is present.
Create Gain Table
Click to automatically create the table of gain correction values. Uniform collimated
illumination of the imager is required to successfully perform this operation.
gain correction factor values are limited to the range 0.50 to 2.00. This applies to both
manually entered and automatically calculated factors. Since bad pixels cannot normally
be corrected within this range it is necessary to map the bad pixels before attempting to
run the automatic create gain correction utility described above.
Write Flash
Click to write the gain correction values to the camera. Gain correction changes will not
take effect until the revised value is written into the flash EEPROM of the Pyrocam.
Read Flash
Click to read the gain correction values from the flash.
Set Gain Frame to Default
Click to set the gain frame to the default value of 1.0 for each pixel.
Pixel Gain Value
This is a dual operation control. It will display the current GC factor at the
cursor selected location, and can be used to enter a new value by editing its
content and then clicking on the adjacent button. Acceptable CG values are
between 0.50 and 2.00.