11 | Opera Beds | Opera Impulse Hybrid Mattress System Instructions and Technical Specifications | Version 2
8. Patient Transfer and Transport
8.1 Transfer
It is recommended to have the mattress system fully inflated during the transfer
process. To do this increase the comfort setting to +2. Make sure the bed is
secured before proceeding.
8.2 Transport
In the event of a patient transport, two options are available.
1. Detach the mattress’ air hose couplers from the power unit’s
quick release couplers and connect the two air hose couplers
together to retain air in the mattress. The mattress will stay inflated
for approximately 2 hours, depending on the patient’s weight.
2. Unplug the power unit’s power cord from the wall outlet and
the mattress should stay inflated for approximately 40 - 50
minutes. This mattress system also has a safety foam base underneath
the air cells to support the patient for a short period of time in case of
deflation. To resume normal operation, please follow the instructions
beginning in Section 6.2.
9. Emergency CPR Deflation
In the case of emergency, pull hard to remove the mattress’ CPR
latch and detach the quick release coupling from the control unit for
emergency deflation and turn off the power unit by pressing the power/
mute button on the control panel at the same time for emergency
deflation. The air will discharge from the mattress with the patient’s
own weight. To resume normal operation, simply re-insert the CPR latch
securely, press the power/mute button again and reset the patient
weight. See instructions in Section 6.