5. Using the Blynk App
OSBee firmware supports remote access through the Blynk app. This allows you to remotely access the
controller, check its current status, and run a program. To use this feature, first install the Blynk app on
your smartphone. Then scan the OpenSprinkler Bee Blynk project QR code, available at:
this will import the project to your Blynk app. The
version of the project requires paying a couple of
dollars to buy additional Blynk energy points, while the simple version of the project does not require any
additional payment to import the QR code.
Once the Blynk project is created, you can go to the project settings to obtain the cloud token. Then
paste this token at OSBee's Settings page, submit, and reboot OSBee controller. This way the firmware
will communicate with the Blynk cloud using the token, and allow the Blynk app to access the controller
remotely, even if you are not at home.
6. Specification and Open-Source Links
Input voltage
5VDC through USB
Input voltage
12VDC (e.g. if using solar power)
Current consumption
80~140mA (depending on WiFi signal strength)
Power consumption
input voltage x current (typically 5V x 100mA = 0.5 Watt)
Product dimension
63mm x 63mm (2.5in x 2.5in)
Product weight
50g (1.7oz)
Hardware components
ESP8266 (MCU+WiFi), MC34063 (voltage booster), PCF8563 (RTC),
CH340C (USB serial), SSD1306 (OLED), 4x half H-bridges.
OpenSprinkler Bee is completely open-source. Its hardware design files, firmware code, and Blynk
project QR code can be found at the following Github repositories: