Back to the homepage, click on a
button (the
button creates a new program, and
buttons are existing
programs) to add a new program or edit an existing program. The
program editing interface (shown on the left) allows you to change
the program name, configure it as a weekly or interval program, set
odd/even day restrictions, set the first start time and additional start
times. Each program consists of a number of
program tasks
. First
append a new task, then click a zone to enable or disable that zone
from the task, and finally set the duration. Program tasks are flexible:
you can set multiple zones to turn on at the same time, and you can
have the same zone turn on multiple times in different tasks. You
can also leave all zones off in a task, to create a delay/gap for a
specified amount of duration. To delete or edit an existing task, click
the index of the task, which will highlight that task in yellow, then you
can edit zones or the duration again. When you are done, click on
Submit to finish editing the program.
The homepage also has a
Program Preview
button which
opens a new page showing a
graphical preview of the
programs. At the top-right corner
of the program preview page, you
can navigate to different days.
button opens a new
page showing the history of
recent watering events, including
the time, zone, and program/task
information of each event. If you
want to trigger a software reboot
of the controller, go to Settings
pages, and use the 'Reboot'
button there.
LCD and button functions
: OSBee has a built-in OLED display. It shows the current time, and zone
status. At the bottom it shows the IP address. Clicking the black pushbutton (lower-right to the LCD) will
cycle through additional information, such as MAC address etc.
Factory Reset
: to perform factory reset (e.g. if you need to switch to another WiFi network), press and
hold the pushbutton for more than 5 seconds, and release. The controller will reboot, all settings will be
recovered to factory reset, and the controller will go back to WiFi AP mode.
Firmware Update
: when new firmware becomes available, you can either update firmware over WiFi (at
the homepage, top-right corner, Update button; or in a web browser, type controller's IP address
followed by /update.html); you can also update a new firmware using the microUSB port (the controller
has built-in USB serial). Details on how to update firmware through USB can be found on OSBee's
Github page: