File Name
– Enter a file name in the box, ex. image.jpg. The uploaded image’s file name
format can be set in this section. Please select the one that meets your requirements.
Add date/time suffix
File name: imageYYMMDD_HHNNSS_XX.jpg
Y: Year, M: Month, D: Day
H: Hour, N: Minute, S: Second
X: Sequence Number
Add sequence number suffix (no maximum value)
File name: imageXXXXXXX.jpg
X: Sequence Number
Add sequence number suffix (limited value)
File Name: imageXX.jpg
X: Sequence Number
The file name suffix will end at the value entered in this box. For example, if the setting is
up to “10,” the file name will start from 00, end at 10, and then start all over again.
– The original image on the FTP site will be overwritten by the new
uploaded file with a static filename.