The CM-716 is equipped with one alarm input and one relay output to connect to an alarm
system to catch event images. Refer to
Camera Overview > Connections
to connect
alarm devices to the IP Camera if needed.
Alarm Switch
– Enable or disable the alarm function.
Alarm Type
– Select an alarm type, “Normal close” or “Normal open,” that corresponds
with the alarm application.
Alarm Output
– Define alarm output signal “high” or “low” as the normal alarm output
status according to the current alarm application.
Triggered Action
(Multi-option) – Specify alarm actions that will take place when the
alarm is triggered.
Enable Alarm Output
– Select to enable relay output on alarm.
Send Alarm Message by FTP/E-Mail
– Select to send an alarm message to a
configured FTP and/or E-Mail address when an alarm is triggered. When sending to
email, the alarm notification is text only. When sending to FTP, the alarm notification
will upload a text file to the FTP location.
Upload Image by FTP
– Select to assign an FTP site. When the alarm is triggered,
event images will be uploaded to the configured FTP site at the rate of one jpeg
image per second.