* - Serial Numbers within range (Last 7 digits) ???0020001 thru ???0029999 with Q701 IC description being M30627FHPGP
Serial Numbers within range (Last 7 digits) ???1020001 thru ???1029999 with Q701 IC description being M30627FHPGP
ONKYO : TXSR702 * -
Serial Numbers within range (Last 7 digits) ???0020000 thru ???0028751 with Q701 IC description being M30627FHPGP
* NOTE : Units with Q701 description of M30627MHP are not upgradeable and the IC needs to be replaced.
Symptom & Relative model:
1) Any CD/HDCD hybrids which are played into these models digitally,
no audio is output.
Perform firmware up-grade procedure below with the latest version posted under "Upgrade" section
on service web site.
Содержание TX-SR602
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