To connect a battery in your wah wah pedal, simply remove the plastic cover located on the bottom plate.
Use alkaline batteries for longest battery life.
This pedal is supplied without a battery installed to prevent
this unit against leaking. A 9 volts battery (not included)
must be installed if you are not using the optional power
For AC operation, use a 9 volt, regulated DC power supply,
100 mA minimum. The optional factory power supply is
available from Onerr: Onerr model PA-21.
1 - Connect your guitar cord into the wah wah
2 - Connect a cord from the wah wah "AMPLIFIER"
jack into your amplifier input jack.
You can also send the wah wah "AMPLIFIER" cord to
other effect devices and last to your amplifier input jack.
Power supply specification:
Output: DC 9 v 100 mA
Negative center