Installing the “BASE UNIT”
Unplug the existing phone from the phone-line socket and connect it
to the BASE UNIT.
Plug the adaptor into the wall phone socket and connect the tele-
phone cord of the BASE UNIT to this adaptor.
. Now plug the BASE UNIT into a power main.
Note: The SV-1500 should not be used in conjuction with a power surge
Installing the “EXTENSION UNIT”
Plug the EXTENSION UNIT into a power main where you want a new
phone socket.
Note: The SV-1500 should not be used in conjuction with a power surge
Connect EXTENSION UNIT with second telephone, Set-Top Box or fax
using a telephone cord. There should now be a dial tone when your
phone/fax is taken off the hook.
Once steps 1 - 5 have been completed in the installation sequence above,
you can now set the security, addressing the BASE UNIT to the EXTENSION
This product comes with a SECURITY FEATURE to make sure that nobody
else owning a “Wireless Phone Line Extender” can connect
UNIT” to
“BASE UNIT”. The SECURITY FEATURE makes sure that your
“BASE-” and “EXTENSION-“ unit synchronize onto one of the possible
65,000 codes to prevent access from an unauthorized unit. Please follow
steps 6 – 8 to complete the installation.
Using a small pointed object, press the recessed button on the side of
the BASE UNIT. The green light on the side of the BASE UNIT will come
on. This will stay lit during the security programming sequence.
Now, using the same small pointed object, press the recessed button
on the side of the EXTENSION UNIT. The green light on the side of the
EXTENSION UNIT will flash once. This is your notification that the
security programming for this extension is complete.
If the green button is flashing repeatedly,. Push the recessed button
again. If the green button continues to flash it is telling you that the
security programming has not been completed successfully and the SV-
1500 will not function. You can rectify the problem by first going back
to step 6 and retrying the sequence. It this does not work then go
back to step 1. If it still does not work then the user should go to the
trouble-shooting guide for further options.
To program additional EXTENSION UNITS to the same BASE UNIT,
repeat step 7 with the additional EXTENSIONS. This programming
sequence allows five minutes since the last UNIT was programmed, to
program the next UNIT.
Once all EXTENSIONS have been coded, you will need to verify the dial
tone for each phone.