Generation and Types of Noise
The elimination of noise influence on the Servo System is indispensable for increasing
the reliability of the Servo System. If the protection of the Servo System from noise is
insufficient, the Units in the system will be damaged in the worst case. Even if the Units
are not damaged, the Servo System will not be able to fulfill its functions, e.g., the rota-
tion of the motor may be unstable or correct positioning may not be possible with the
Servo System.
4-1-1 Noise
Definition of Noise
Noise is an indefinite, unnecessary signal that may be generated as a natural phenomenon or artificially
from machine equipment. Most types of noise are generated artificially and transmitted through unex-
pected transmission paths to other signal lines.
Other lines
(unexpected transmission path)
Radical signal change
4-1-2 Types of Noise
Sources of Noise Generation
A machine or component that handles radical voltage or current changes can be a source of noise gen-
eration. Noise generated by such a machine or component will increase in accordance with an increase
in the radical voltage or current change level, and higher the voltage or current is, the more intense the
noise generation from the machine or component will be.
Countermeasures Against Noise
Chapter 4
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