Check EtherNet/IP Communications in SYSMAC Studio
Check EtherNet/IP Communications in SYSMAC Studio
15.1. Click the "EtherNet/IP Device List" tab. If this tab is not present, go to the Tools menu and select
"EtherNet/IP Connection Settings". Right-click the controller IP address and select "Monitor" as shown below.
15.2. Click the "Connection Status" tab. Each connection will be listed and there should be a blue dot to the
right of each connection as shown below. In addition, the status field should be 00:0000.
This indicates that EtherNet/IP communication has been established with that device.
NOTE: SYSMAC Studio must be Online with the controller to show EtherNet/IP connection status.
15.3. One common type of failure is displayed in the example below. In this example, the device with the IP
address has a problem. This status code is 01:0204, but another common error code is
01:0203. Some items to check to resolve this problem:
Verify that the ID-40 is powered.
Verify that the ID-40 Ethernet cable is connected to the Ethernet switch.
Verify that the ID-40 Ethernet cable is fully screwed into the camera.
Verify that the IP address shown in SYSMAC Studio matches the ID-40.