Product Specifications and User’s Guide
8 Camera Operational Modes
Normal Mode (TriggerMode = Off)
Edge Preset Trigger Mode (ExposureMode = Timed)
In this “edge preset trigger mode”, the camera exposure starts at the rising edge of the trigger signal like the “pulse
width trigger mode” in the previous sections.
However, in this mode, the exposure duration time is based on the preset
value stored by the by the camera setting communication.
When Trigger input during exposure time or video out period,
Trigger signal is ignored. Please input the trigger signal without this period.
Note 1: The exposure time is set by the preset electronic shutter speed.
E x p o s u r e
T i m e
S e n s o r
E x p o s u r e
I m a g e o u t
Image Out
Trigger Input (Positive)
Exposure Time
Aegis Electronic Group, Inc.
For more information please contact Aegis Electronic Group, Inc. *(888)687-6877 *[email protected] *