Sensing Band
Liquid Leakage Sensing Band Precautions
Refer to the following installation methods and install the Sensing Band securely using the proper method for the location and environment.
Post or Beam Mounting
Use fasteners, such as concrete anchors, to secure the Sensing Band every 500 to 1,000 mm to ensure that it does not come loose. If the sur-
face of the post or beam is very uneven, apply two-sided tape to the mounting surface first and then secure the Sensing Band to the tape with
the fastener.
Conduit Installation
For vertical conduits, wrap the Sensing Band around the conduit at a pitch 2 to 3 times the diameter of the conduit. For horizontal conduits,
secure the Sensing Band at appropriate intervals along the bottom of the conduit using an insulated adhesive strap, such as Insulock, to
ensure that the Sensing Band does not come loose.
Dike and Catch Basin installation
Use the specified stickers (sold separately) to secure the Sensing Band at appropriate intervals to keep it flat in the dike or catch basin.
Floor Installation
Estimate the leakage detection area and use stickers to secure the Sensing Band at appropriate intervals on the floor and around equipment.
Cover the Sensing Band with plastic or metal molding to protect it from contact with other objects and from being stepped on by workers.
Leave a 50- to 100-mm gap in the molding at approximately 500-mm intervals where it touches the floor to allow liquids to pass through.
Do not install the Sensing Band in locations where condensation is likely to occur.
Mount the Sensing Band as close as possible to the mounting surface. Make sure that any gaps are no more than 2 mm in horizontal installa-
tions, such as the floor, and no more than 1 mm with vertical installations, such as posts and beams.
Attach an insulated protector, such as plastic molding, securely to the Sensing Band to protect it from contact with power cables carrying over
300 V.
Normally leaking materials detected by the Sensing Band will evaporate and the Sensing Band will return to its original state. The Sensing
Band may not return to its original state and will have to be replaced, however, if the leaking material contained conductive impurities. Follow
the appropriate replacement procedures.
The Sensing Band is not designed to be used as electrical wiring and must not be used for any purpose other than leak detection.
Do not apply petroleum-based products, such as wax, to the Sensing Band. Otherwise, liquids may be repelled and detection may fail.