Set_IP Settings
In this menu, click Edit Device to adjust the IP address and
port settings of the LIFTKIT
NOTE: DO DO NOT select Add or Choose a different device, as
this will cause the component to fail.
NOTE: The default IP address of the component matches the
default IP address that the LIFTKIT uses out-of-the-box. This
menu should only needed if the LIFTKIT IP address has been
reconfigured by the user.
Get_Info Settings
• Function: Determines whether the component will request
information from the pillar using the “Get” commands such
as get_position and get_type.
• Type: Boolean variable
• Default: true
NOTE: If set to true, this is the first step that the component
will perform. This means that the information gathered dur-
ing this step will be snapshotted before any “Set” com-
mands or motion commands are issued.
7.0 S of tware in s truction for Ewellix LIF TKIT C om p on ent for TMflow