There are nine parameters or sub-menus reached through this menu item: About, Preset, System Attributes,
Card Maintenance, Daypart Table, Security, Set Time, Set Date and Control Port Baud.
The first thing displayed when you click on About is the Omnia factory telephone number in Cleveland! To
display the currently running software versions, click OK. The Style and Release version will be displayed.
Click OK again and the Bios, display and Loadset versions are displayed. Clicking OK again brings up the
copyright screen and one more click returns you to the Utility menu.
This sub-menu has two parameters: Delete and Rename. Select Delete to permanently delete a User Preset
from the PC Card. A selection box will be displayed allowing you to choose a preset for deletion. Once a
choice is made, a confirmation box is displayed. The preset will not be deleted until “OK” is selected from the
confirmation box. Select Rename to change the name of an existing User Preset. A selection box will be
displayed allowing you to choose a preset to be renamed. Once a choice is made, a naming box is displayed to
enter the new name for the preset. This works as described above in “Audio Processing”: “Save to Card as”.
System Attributes
There are three parameters under this sub-menu item: Load Defaults, Load From Card and Save to Card.
Load Defaults: Reloads all of the factory default system parameters into the system. System parameters are
anything that is not saved with the processing preset, such as input and output levels, and RS-232 baud rate.
User presets saved to the PC card are not affected but the default preset is reset to the first factory preset shown
in the list.
Load From Card: Loads previously saved system parameters from the PC Card.
Save to Card: Saves system parameters to the PC card. This makes a “copy” of the system configuration that
normally resides in the nonvolatile RAM within the Omnia-3, storing it on the PC Card. This simplifies getting
back to a previous state after numerous system adjustments have been made, but you want to return.
Card Maintenance
Erase User Data: Choose this selection when you want to erase all user information on the PC Card, including
user presets, saved system settings, dayparts, and trigger scripts. When this function is selected, the PC Card is
restored to the initial factory condition, and only the factory presets are available. Before this function is
executed, a pop-up screen will ask for confirmation. Follow the instructions presented on the screen to confirm
erasure of the card.
Daypart Table
Sub-menus in this menu allow viewing and setup of dayparts. These sub-menus are:
Show All: Displays all of the currently defined dayparts through a series of dialog boxes.
Add Part: Permits the creation of dayparts. Using various screens, you can select the start day and time, the end
time, and preset. The system will warn the user if the daypart being added overlaps one of the dayparts already
Note: You can cancel the Add Part operation at any time by selecting the Cancel option on any of the daypart
Add Part screens.
Modify Part: Permits editing of dayparts already created. The system prompts the user to select one of the
currently defined dayparts, and then displays the same sequence that the user sees when doing an Add Part,