The main software for OMEN Kilo issue 2 is the Kilo Monitor version 2.0. Source
codes are available on GitHub.
Basic commands are:
Daddr – Memory dump. Next line with ENTER, SPACE aborts dumping, BACKSPACE
displays previous addresses.
Maddr – Modify memory byte by byte. Use ENTER, SPACE and BACKSPACE in the same
way as in DUMP.
Gaddr – Go to program (JMP)
W from to – export memory as SREC
X from to – export memory as HEX
: - start HEX file to load. You can just send HEX file directly to the terminal
to load data or program into the memory.
U – start a use module. Kilo EEPROM contains one preprogrammed module, the
TINY BASIC interpreter. See source code to further information about the
modular concept.