G2 Signal = MEDIUM fan speed enabled.
G3 Signal = HIGH fan speed enabled.
Manual Fan Speed Control - 3-Speed Selector
Enable the unit mounted 3-speed selector switch by
setting DIP Switch #6 to OFF (Manual). Run fan wire
from thermostat to any of the G1, G2, G3 terminals. Fan
speed will be determined by the position of the unit
mounted 3-speed fan selector switch:
L = LOW fan speed
M = MEDIUM fan speed
H = HIGH fan speed
(not available with Whisper Mode)
Optional Whisper Mode
Optional Whisper Mode is factory enabled.
Call for Heating and Cooling
When a compressor request is made, the optional mo-
torized auto shut-off control valve will open. The com-
pressor contactor will then be energized so long as none
of the following fault conditions are present:
High-Pressure Alarm
Low-Pressure Alarm
(Optional) High-Pressure Water Alarm
(Optional) Condensate Over Flow Alarm
Compressor Anti-Short Cycle 7 min. timer expired
(Optional) Entering Water Temperature (EWT) is
greater than 115oF
(Optional) Leaving Water Temperature (LWT) great-
er than 127oF
When call for compressor request is terminated, the
optional motorized auto shut-off control valve and the
blower fan will remain open until the timers have ex-
Low-Pressure Bypass
During a call for compressor, the low-pressure switch is
bypassed for the first 3 minutes of compressor operation
to prevent nuisance low-pressure start-ups.
Timers and Interlocks
Microprocessor board utilizes a number of timers and
interlocks in the control sequence of the unit.
Anti-Short Cycle Timer
The compressor anti-short cycle timer of 7 minutes
starts every time a call for compressor is terminated to
prevent compressor over cycling.
Fan-On/Off Timer
The Fan-On timer of 10 seconds starts anytime there is
a call for fan request and 10 seconds after a call for
compressor is terminated.
Valve Open/Closed Timer
The valve open timer of 1 minute starts anytime a fan
and compressor request are made to develop flow in the
water coil. The valve closed timer of 1 minute starts any-
time a call for compressor is terminated to allow for
flushing of the water coil.
Random Wait Time on Unit Power Up
Microprocessor controller uses a random wait time dur-
ing unit start up between 1-30 seconds.
Refer to the ‘Troubleshooting Guide’ for identifying com-
mon issues and possible resolutions. The microproces-
sor control board has a number of LED lights for simple
identification of common alarms and faults. Refer to
’LED Code Table Guide’.
A Test mode feature can be enabled in order to perform
diagnostic testing of the unit by reducing all timers.
To enable test mode press the test mode button on the
control board.
Using the webpage tool the internal date and time of the
controller can be set to assist with diagnostics when
using the data log. An optional battery will preserve date
and time in the event of a power loss.
The Omega controller features a webpage configuration
and troubleshooting tool. Unit status and diagnostics
temperature (Supply Air, Entering Water, Leaving Water
and Suction Temperature) readings can be easily ac-
cessed through the controller webpage tool.
The imbedded webpage is accessed by connecting to
the control board, no internet connection required. There
are two ways to connect: using a mini-wireless router or
directly to a laptop. Wireless router is the preferred
method for fewer configuration steps and works with
Tablets or Smartphones.