3) Do not use back-up wrench on the back-side
of the valve as this may place undue stress on
valve body construction.
4) Correct and incorrect areas where to place
back-up wrench are shown with two common
valve types.
1. Leave cardboard shipping cover on the air coil cov-
er in place. Check chassis nameplate to verify
chassis model matches cabinet model for compati-
2. If not already done so, remove top cover and check
that no water and refrigeration piping are touching
other tubes or parts.
3. Align chassis with front of the cabinet and tilt chas-
sis so that the back aligns with the cabinet rails.
4. Slide chassis into cabinet partially. Check to ensure
wiring harnesses are not being pinched. Adjust the
chassis to ensure it is resting approximately cen-
tered in the rails.
5. Connect the hoses by hand to the chassis supply
and return connections. Hand tighten, then using a
back-up wrench tighten fittings as necessary. En-
sure that the hose supply and return connections
are not reversed and matched to correct risers. Wa-
ter IN and water OUT is stamped on the chassis
sheet metal enclosure.
6. If riser loop system has been commissioned and
operational open the riser shut-off valves. Check for
any signs of water leaks at all water connection
7. Connect the chassis electrical plugs to the quick
connect mating plugs in the cabinet electrical box.
8. Slide the chassis into the cabinet. Check to ensure
wiring harnesses and hoses are not being pinched.
Do not push against the air coil surface.
9. Ensure hoses are not pressed against unit cabinet.
10. Remove cardboard shipping cover from the air coil.
11. Install the service cover panel and visually check
foam gasket around service cover panel perimeter
is not damaged and providing an adequate seal.
12. Insert filter into service cover panel.
13. Install Return Air Panel into the closet drywall open-
ing if not already done and secure with screws.