DC Power Supply Voltage Requirements
FV100 comes pre-calibrated and pre-configured in Gallons Per Minute, with the Solid State Relay set
for 0 flow, which inactivates the relay. To change the engineering units displayed to LPM, reset the solid
state relay for a minimum flow condition, or change the relay function (nc-normally closed or no-
normally open) requires a simple reconfiguration. By powering up the meter, it can be reconfigured or
checked at the bench or installed position.
To configure the FV100 display for GPM or LPM, press the SET button so that the LED next to the
desired engineering unit is lit. To configure the set point, or alarm function, hold the MENU button
down until the display indicates “flo”, then “AL”, then release it. The LED display will indicate zeros or
a set point. Change the setting, by pressing the MENU button. Each time it is pressed, it will step the set
point upwards, holding it down will ramp the set point up quickly until the desired set point is ap-
proached, then pressing discreetly will step it up to the desired setting. At the highest setting for each
meter capacity, it will roll over to 0. Then as the MENU button is pressed it will step or ramp up if held
down. Once the desired set point is displayed, use the SET button to enter the value.
If no set point is required, then select 0 with the SET button - this will inactivate the relay, as well as the
local LED indicator, which flashes on reaching the set point. The two LED indicators that are adjacent to
GPM & LPM flash when the flow drops to or below the set point. If GPM has been selected, it will
remain on solid and the LPM indicator will flash. The opposite occurs when LPM is the selected unit of
measure displayed.
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