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To summarize the KeyCounter's basic operation and indications:

To better understand Active Transponder Verification (ATV), consider that your

system includes two discs- the Red Programming and Black Daily Use discs.
Therefore, every time the ignition switch is turned on, and the exchange occurs
between the disc and the KeyCounter, the Status Light changes from solid Red to two
Green flashes between pauses for a 10 second period.  The two Green flashes
represent the two discs; if for example an extra Black Daily Use disc was added, the
Green flashes would be three times between pauses.  As the KeyCounter can have
as many as four Black Daily Use discs in addition to the Red Programming disc, ATV
could be as many as five Green flashes between pauses.

Solid Orange Status Light indicates that the KeyCounter is in the automatic

process of immobilizing the starter.

Flashing Red

Status Light indicates that the starter is immobilized.

Solid Red

Status Light indicates that the KeyCounter is seeking a transponder
disc and the starter is still immobilized.

Flashing Green between pauses Status Light indicates that the KeyCounter has

detected the presence of an authorized transponder disc, and the
vehicle can be started.

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ATV  Warning

For the first 48 hours after the KeyCounter is installed, or for 48 hours after any key

fob disc programming activity, the Status Light will have a different operation when the
ignition switch is turned on, and the disc/control unit exchange occurs.  During this
initial period, the ATV display is extended to 90 seconds, and the Green flashes are
against a Red background color
.  This eye-catching display is a warning that key
fob disc programming activity has recently taken place.

ATV, or Active Transponder Verification, is an exclusive patented feature.  Al-

though similar antitheft systems are available, even as factory-equipped systems,
only KeyCounter indicates how keys can actually start your vehicle.

Your KeyCounter system includes a push-button Valet/Override Switch.  This

switch can be located on the bottom of an included Status Light and Valet/Override
Switch combination holder; or, the installer has the option of mounting it in a hidden,
but accessible location.  The Valet/Override Switch, used in conjunction with the
ignition key, may be used to override the system by placing it in Valet Mode should
the KeyCounter disc become lost or stolen.  As long as the system is in Valet Mode,
the automatic engagement of the system will not occur
.  Therefore, in addition
to providing an emergency override function, Valet Mode is used to prevent the
KeyCounter's automatic engagement during times when it may not be desired.

System Override and Valet Mode

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