Diode Tests
1. Connect the red test lead to the "V
" jack and the black test lead to the
"COM" jack.
2. Set the Function/Range switch to the "
" position.
3. Turn off power to the circuit under test.
4. Touch probes to the diode. A forward-voltage drop is about 0.6V (typical for
a silicon diode).
5. Reverse probes. If the diode is good, 1 OL is displayed. If the diode is
shorted, ".000" or another number is displayed.
6. If the diode is open, 1 OL is displayed, in both directions.
7. If the junction is measured in a circuit and a low reading is obtained with both
lead connections, the junction may be shunted by a resistance of less than
. In this case the diode must be disconnected from the circuit for
accurate testing.
Capacitance Measurements
1. Set the Function/Range switch to the desired " F " range.
2. Never apply an external voltage to the Cx sockets. Damage to the meter
may result.
3. Insert the capacitor leads directly into the Cx socket.
4. Read the capacitance directly from the display.
Frequency Measurements
1. Set the Function/Range switch to the desired Hz range.
2. Connect the red test lead to the "V
" jack and the black test lead to the
"COM" jack.
3. Connect the test leads to the point of measurement and read the frequency
from the display.