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The Echo must be programmed to the system in order to operate it.  This programming procedure

is identical for a 1-way transmitter or Echo transceiver.  The original 1-way transmitters may be used
to also operate the security system, in addition to the Echo.  To program all, follow this procedure:

Have all of the transmitters or transceivers at hand (when one is programmed, all others are erased).


The system will remove itself from the programming mode if 10 seconds expire without its
receiving a signal, if the ignition is turned “off”, or upon four transmitters or transceivers being
programmed into the system.

Only the “Arm/Lock” button is pressed in programming; when it is learned all of the other buttons’
functions are automatically assigned.

Step 1 Turn the vehicle’s ignition “on”.

Step 2 Within 5 seconds of turning "on" the ignition, press the Valet Switch 5 times. The siren will

chirp once, confirming that the system is ready to learn an Echo or 1-way transmitter.

Step 3 Within 10 seconds press and release the “Arm/Lock” button (the “locked padlock” graphic).

The siren will chirp once, confirming that the system learned the Echo or transmitter.

Step 4 Repeat the previous step for each Echo or transmitter which is to operate the system.

Please note that programming an Echo or transmitter to the system will activate the audible
Unauthorized Transmitter Alert warning and the extended Status Indicator Light visual display; for
the next 48 hours the siren will sound a series of chirps every time the vehicle’s ignition is turned on.

The Omega Echo system is a modular 2-way remote controller transceiver,
which simply plugs into the host Omega vehicle security system.

To utilize the Echo, the host Omega vehicle security system must be a
model which is compatible with the Echo.  All such models have in their
Operations Manuals a description of the optional Echo.

When using the Echo to operate the vehicle security system, the Echo is
used in the exact same manner as the original 1-way transmitters.  The
buttons on both share the same markings.

The original 1-way transmitters may still be used to operate the system.


The Echo 2-way transceiver, in addition to operating your system, also receives signals from the

system and displays a variety of system conditions on its LCD screen.  The Echo also will chirp and
play melodies, which emulate the security system’s siren.  Your system can be operated by as many
as four standard transmitters and/or Echo transceivers.

The 4 Use Buttons:

  The Echo has the same four operational buttons as the standard transmitter,

with like icons imprinted on them.  These are:


 “Arm/Lock” button


 “Disarm/Unlock” button




” 2nd Channel Output button       




” button for remote Panic or 3rd Channel Output


