Cycle Time (Output #2)
The Cycle Time for output #2 is
similar in function to cycle time, TC, for output #1.
Output #2 is the cooling side of a heat/cool controller. A
shorter cycle time provides higher proportioning resolu-
tion and better control but causes increased strain on
the output device. Enter a value that is based on the limi-
tations of your controller’s output type.
Setting Range: 1 to 150 secs.
For relay output: Set to 15 secs or more (30 secs typical).
For DC SSR driver output: Set to 1 sec or more
For current output: Set to 0 (normally not indicated)
Not indicated without the control output #2 option.
Proportional Band Coefficient for Cooling:
The Propor-
tional Band Coefficient for Cooling is a multiplier for the
proportional band on the cooling side of a heat/cool con-
troller. It varies the width of the proportional band on the
cooling side. A large value would establish a larger pro-
portional band for more powerful cooling loads. A small
value would establish a smaller proportional band for
less powerful cooling loads. Enter a value based on the
power of your cooling load.
Setting Range: 0.0 to 100.0
Not indicated without control output #2 option.
Set to “0” for On/Off control.