Sets or queries the measured-value-display hold function
Normal Cal.
Command = HDm<CRLF> -> Answer = HDm<CRLF>
Command = HD?<CRLF> -> Return = HDm<CRLF>
m = 0: Display update enabled (default)
1: Data hold
2: Auto hold
3: Peak hold
• If the CA450 is in an output mode, ERR13 is returned.
• During MIN/MAX measurement, if HD1 is sent, recording and
the updating of the display of the elapsed time are stopped. If
HD0 is sent, recording and the updating of the display of the
elapsed time are resumed.
• If HD1 is sent while peak hold is enabled, ERR13 is returned.
• To clear peak hold, use the HC command.
During calibration, only the HD3 command, which switches the mode so that
peak hold calibration can be performed, is valid.