EMD Installation and operating manual
For EMD to work reliably, a strainer should be cleaned regularly. The Strainer of EMD is
located in the entrance to a valve. Its purpose is to intercept larger solid particles that would
clog valve. Cleanings period depends on condition of compressed air system.
The valve is due to wear. When the valve is worn out, a complete valve assembly should be
replaced. The valve assembly could be ordered as spare part.
Strainer cleaning procedure
Keep to the safety rules when working with
pressure equipment.
First, close the valve then press the test button
to depressurize EMD.
Remove strainer insert and clean it. At the
same time, check integrity of mesh.
Be careful while cleaning, because solid
particles in debris may be sharp.
Clean also O-ring sealing and its gland
thoroughly. Otherwise, strainer sealing may
start to leak.
Be careful while cleaning, because solid
particles in debris may be sharp.
Return strainer insert back to its position. It
needs not to be tightened with tools! Then,
open valve slowly.