Before using your hot dog cooker for the first time, apply a vegetable oil such as sunflower oil or canola oil to
the ends of your rollers. This will help to keep them turning smoothly and easily.
Avoid using non-stick sprays because these can contain lecithin, which will cause an eventual buildup on your
Turn the Power switch to ON.
2. Use the temperature control dials to the desired settings. To cook product more rapidly, turn the
temperature dials to their highest settings, or in a clockwise direction. To cook more slowly, or to hold
already cooked product on a warm setting, adjust the temperature dial down, or in a counter clockwise
The rollers have separate temperature dials to control the heat settings for different sets of rollers. The
front dial controls all rollers (number of rollers will vary with model), while the Back dial controls the last 3
rollers of your cooker. This allows you to cook some hot dogs more quickly, while holding more cooked product
at a lower warming temperature.
In addition, the green heating indicator lights marked “Heating” will be lit when the rollers are actively being
heated; when they have reached the temperature set by the temperature dials, the light will go out. Increasing
the temperature setting for a group of rollers will cause the indicator light to go on and when the new
temperature is reached the light will extinguish to let you know that the new setting is reached.
CAUTION! Rollers will be hot. Use care when cleaning, adding product or serving product!
Do not immerse any part of this machine in water. Turn the machine OFF prior to cleaning or maintenance and
allow to cool before touching rollers.
CAUTION! Rollers will be hot.
Follow the cleaning and maintenance guidelines to ensure a long life for your machine.
Turn the Power switch to OFF.
Use a soft cloth or towel to wipe the surfaces of the rollers. DO NOT USE METAL TO CLEAN YOUR
ROLLERS! This may result in damage to the machine. In most cases the natural oils exuded from