O.M.A.C. s.r.l.
Via Giovanni Falcone, 8 42048 Rubiera (RE) - Italy Tel.0522/629371 - 629923 Fax 0522/628980
E-mail:[email protected] SitoWeb:www.omacpompe.com
Rev.4 del 01/2011 O.M.A.C. s.r.l.
The “B Series Lobe Positive Displacement Pump Unit”, manufactured and marketed by O.M.A.C. s.r.l., which in this documentation will be indicated with
the abbreviation LDPU, has been designed and made to be assembled in industrial plants owned by third parties, to transfer volumes of fl uid, compatible
with the materials used during the construction of this machine: section 1.4.1 lists the recommended operational features of the LDPU, depending on
the fl uid.
The LDPU requires compliance with all technical indications in this use and maintenance manual, which in this documentation will be indicated with the
abbreviation OMM, for its proper installation.
In general, the fl uid must meet the following specifi cations:
Fluid properties and range of use:
1) TEMPERATURE: from -35°C to +180°C
: Maximum
with forced feeding
: Maximum
80% of clearance between rotors
(see sect.1.3.4)
The LDPU has been designed and made for two types of use:
alimentary use;
chemical use.
The LDPU, for alimentary use, has been made to ensure a hygienic standard equal to
, on the basis of
UNI EN 13951
The LDPU for alimentary use and for chemical use has been designed to transfer volumes of fl uid without altering the organoleptic properties not the
physical properties.
During its normal use, the LDPU for alimentary use and chemical use does not alter the organoleptic characteristics not the physical characteristics of
the fl uid.
Every LDPU comes with a
technical sheet
indicating the operational features in relation to the fl uid that must be handled (name of the fl uid, viscosity
range, capacity range, speed range, temperature range), as declared at the time of purchase by the Customer.
Section 1.3 shows a facsimile of the LDPU technical sheet.
Every modifi cation to what is indicated in the specifi c technical sheet or variation of the machine operating parameters must be authorised in writing by
O.M.A.C. s.r.l.; the absence of such authorisation is deemed “improper use” and will void any warranty or liability under way between Manufacturer and
Any use of the LDPU in conditions other than those indicated in “Fluid properties and range of use” and in conditions other than those indicated in the
machine technical sheet is forbidden, without explicit written authorisation, issued by O.M.A.C. s.r.l.
The LDPU for alimentary use and for chemical use has NOT been designed nor built to handle pharmaceutical, explosive, etc. fl uids, and in general
fl uids that do not comply with the indications of the specifi c technical sheet. In addition, the LDPU for alimentary use and chemical use has NOT been
designed nor built to handle what is indicated in Regulation (EC) No. 1005/2009 of the European Parliament and the Council of 16 September, 2009, on
substances that deplete the ozone layer.
It is forbidden to use the LDPU for alimentary use and chemical use to transfer the substances listed in Annex I of
Regulation No. 1005/2009
The pumping part of the LDPU is made up of the rotorcase, in which two rotors are housed (sect. 1.3.5 lists the types of rotors used), which rotate
synchronised in the opposite direction to each other.
The rotorcase receives the process fl uid from the suction inlet, originating from the plant of the Customer. During the operation of the LDPU, the
cavities between the lobes of the rotors are fi lled with fl uid and the counter-rotation of the rotors transfers the fl uid to the delivery outlet of the rotorcase,
channelling it in the plant where the LDPU is installed.