background image





























































 Quick Start Guide

Thank you for purchasing an Olympus digital camera. 
Please read  hese instructions carefully.
The application software and instruction manual 
PDF  le are stored on the internal memory of the camera. 
For detailed information on all features and Provisions of 
warranty, please refer to the internal memory.
Adobe Reader is required to view the Instruction Manual.
Unless otherwise speci ed, the explanation about these illustrations is 
provided for STYLUS TOUGH-3000/ TOUGH-3000.


 Guide de démarrage rapide

Nous vous remercions d’avoir acheté un appareil photo numérique Olympus.
Veuillez lire attentivement ces instructions.
Le logiciel de l’application et le  chier PDF du manuel d’instructions sont 
stockés sur la mémoire interne de l’appareil photo.
Pour des informa ions détaillées sur toutes les caractéristiques et les 
conditions d’obtention de la garantie, reportez-vous á la mémoire interne. 
Adobe Reader est requis pour af cher le manuel d’instructions.
Sauf si spéci é diversement, les explications portant sur les illustrations ci-
dessous se réfèrent au modèle STYLUS TOUGH-3000/ TOUGH-3000.


 Guía rápida de inicio

Le agradecemos la adquisición de esta cámara digital Olympus.
Lea atentamente estas instrucciones.
El software de las aplicaciones y el archivo PDF del manual de instrucciones 
están guardados en la memoria interna de la cámara.
Para más información sobre todas las características y las condiciones de la 
garantía, consulte la memoria interna. 
Se necesita Adobe Reader para poder visualizar el manual de instrucciones.
A menos que se especi que de otra manera, la explicación sobre estas 
ilustraciones se da para STYLUS TOUGH-3000/ TOUGH-3000.












Preparing the Camera

Inserting the battery




  Insert the battery by putting in the  marked side  rst, 

with the 


 marks toward the battery lock knob.

Damage to the battery exterior (scratches, etc.) may 
produce heat or an explosion.

  Insert the battery while sliding the battery lock knob in 

the direction of the arrow.

  Slide the battery lock knob in the direction of the arrow 

to unlock, and then remove the battery.

  When removing the battery or card, be sure to turn off 

the camera before opening or closing the battery/card/
connector cover.

  When using the camera, be sure to close the battery/

card/connector cover.

Battery charge and camera setup

Connect the camera to the computer to charge the 
battery and setup the camera.

System requirements

Windows XP (SP2 or later)/Windows Vista/Windows 7



Battery/card/connector cover

connector cover lock



Battery/card/connector cover

connector cover lock

Battery lock knob



Battery lock knob








  Connect the camera to the computer.


USB cable 


Computer (on 
and running)

Indicator lamp

Charging the battery

When the camera is connected to the computer, the 
battery in the camera will be charged.

When charging, the indicator lamp light. When charging is 
complete, the indicator lamp will turn off.

  If the indicator lamp does not light, the camera may be 

incorrectly connected, or the battery, camera, computer or 
USB cable may not be functioning correctly.

Camera setup

Set the camera date and time, time zone and display 
language automa ically; install the camera instruction 
manual and PC software (ib).

  Do not insert SD/SDHC memory cards before the 

camera setup.

  Do not format the internal memory until the camera 

setup is complete. Doing so will erase the camera 
instruction manual and the PC software (ib) data that 
are stored on the internal memory.


  Select and execute “OLYMPUS Camera Initialization”, which 

is displayed on the computer screen when the camera is 
recognized by the computer.


  Follow the instructions on the computer screen and setup 

the camera.

Charging the battery with the 
included USB-AC adapter

  The included USB-AC adapter (F-2AC) (hereafter 

referred as AC adapter) has been designed to be used 
for charging and playback. Make sure that shooting is 
not being used while the AC adapter is connected to 
the camera.

Example: AC adapter with an AC cable






AC outlet

USB cable 





AC outlet

USB cable 


  Close the battery/card/connector cover  rmly so that 

lock makes the clicking sound.

Shooting with the optimum aperture 
value and shutter speed (







 button to turn on the camera.



 mode is not displayed, press the 


to display the function menu screen and then set the 
shooting mode to 



 Press the 


 button again to turn off the camera.


  Hold the camera and compose the shot.


  Press the shutter button halfway down to focus on the 


When the camera focuses on the subject, the exposure is 
locked (shutter speed and aperture value are displayed), and 
the AF target mark changes to green.

The camera was unable to focus if the AF target mark  ashes 
red. Try focusing again.







AF target mark

Press halfway

Shutter speed Aperture value


  To take the picture, gently press the shutter button all the 

way down while being careful not to shake the camera.

Shooting movies


  Press the movie record button to start recording.


  Press the movie record button again to stop recording.

Viewing images








 to select an image.

Erasing images during playback 
(Single image erase)


  Display the image you want to erase and press 




Using the  ash




 ash option in the shooting function menu.




 to select the setting option, and press the 


 button to set.








Indicator lamp
On: Charging
Off: Charged

Indicator lamp
On: Charging
Off: Charged

  The battery is not fully charged at shipment. Before 

use, be sure to charge the battery until the indicator 
lamp turns off (STYLUS TOUGH-6020/ TOUGH-6020: 
up to 3 hours, STYLUS TOUGH-3000/ TOUGH-3000: 
up to 2.5 hours).

  If the indicator lamp does not light, the AC adapter is 

not connected to the camera correctly, or the battery, 
camera, or AC adapter may be broken.

Setting the date, time and time zone

The date and time set here are saved to image  le 
names, date prints, and other data.





 button to turn on the camera.

The date and time setting screen is displayed when the date 
and time are not set.




 to select the year for [Y].




 to save the setting for [Y].


  As in Steps 2 and 3, use 


 and the 


 button to 

set [M] (month), [D] (day), [TIME] (hours and minutes), and 
[Y/M/D] (date order).




 to select the [


] time zone and then press the 




Changing the display language


  Display the [SETUP] menu.




 to select the 


 (Settings 1) tab and then press 






 to select [


] and press the 






 to select your language and press the 







Inserting the SD/SDHC memory card 
(sold separately)


  Insert the card straight until it clicks into place.

  Do not touch the contact area directly.






Préparer l’appareil photo

Insérer la batterie




  Insérez d’abord la batterie par le côté qui porte 

l’indication , avec les indications 


 orientées vers la 

touche de verrouillage de la batterie.
La batterie risque de chauffer ou d’exploser si son 
revêtement extérieur est abîmé (rayures, etc.).

  Insérez la batterie tout en faisant glisser la touche de 

verrouillage de la batterie dans le sens de la  èche.

  Faites glisser la touche de verrouillage de la batterie 

dans le sens de la  èche pour déverrouiller, puis retirez 
la batterie.

  Lors du retrait de la batterie ou de la carte, veillez à 

éteindre l’appareil photo avant d’ouvrir ou de fermer le 
couvercle de la batterie/carte/connecteur.

  Lors de l’utilisation de l’appareil photo, n’oubliez pas de 

fermer le couvercle de la batterie/carte/connecteur.

Chargement de la batterie et 
con guration de l’appareil photo

Pour charger la batterie et con gurer l’appareil photo, 
connectez ce dernier à l’ordinateur.

Con guration requise

Windows XP (SP2 ou ultérieur)/Windows Vista/
Windows 7



Couvercle de la batterie/carte/connecteur

Verrou du couvercle de la batterie/



Couvercle de la batterie/carte/connecteur

Verrou du couvercle de la batterie/

Touche de verrouillage de la batterie



Touche de verrouillage de la batterie








  Connectez l’appareil photo à l’ordinateur.

Connecteur multiple

Câble USB 


Ordinateur (sous tension 
et en fonctionnement)


Chargement de la batterie

Lorsque l’appareil photo est connecté à l’ordinateur, la 
batterie insérée dans l’appareil se charge.

Le voyant est allumé pendant le chargement. Une fois le 
chargement terminé, le voyant s’éteint.

  Si le voyant ne s’allume pas, il se peut que l’appareil photo 

ne soit pas bien connecté ou que la batterie, l’appareil 
photo, l’ordinateur ou le câble USB soit défaillant.

Con guration de l’appareil photo

Réglez automatiquement la date et l’heure de l’appareil photo, 
le fuseau horaire et la langue d’a  chage, puis installez le 
manuel d’instructions de l’appareil photo et le logiciel (ib).

  N’insérez pas de cartes mémoires SD/SDHC avant 

d’avoir con guré l’appareil photo.

  Ne formatez pas la mémoire interne tant que la 

con guration de l’appareil photo n’est pas terminée. 
Vous risqueriez autrement d’effacer le manuel 
d’instructions de l’appareil photo et les données du 
logiciel (ib) conservés dans la mémoire interne.


  Sélectionnez et exécutez “OLYMPUS Camera Initialization” 

(con guration de l’appareil photo), qui s’af che sur l’écran 
d’ordinateur lorsque l’appareil photo est reconnu par l’ordinateur.


  Suivez les instructions sur l’écran de l’ordinateur et 

con gurez l’appareil photo.

Chargement de la batterie avec 
l’adaptateur secteur USB fourni

  L’adaptateur secteur USB fourni (F-2AC) (appelé ci-après 

adaptateur secteur) est destiné au chargement et à 
l’af chage. Assurez-vous de ne pas utiliser la prise de vue 
alors que l’adaptateur secteur est raccordé à l’appareil photo.

Exemple : Adaptateur secteur avec câble d’alimentation





Connecteur multiple

Prise de

Câble USB 




Connecteur multiple

Prise de

Câble USB 


  Fermez solidement le couvercle de la batterie/carte/

connecteur jusqu’au déclic.

Prendre des photos avec une 
valeur d’ouverture et une vitesse 
d’obturation optimales (mode 




  Appuyez sur la touche 


 pour allumer l’appareil photo.

  Si le mode 


 ne s’af che pas, appuyez sur la touche 

 pour af cher le menu de fonctions et réglez le 

mode prise de vue sur 



  Appuyez de nouveau sur la touche 



éteindre l’appareil photo.


  Tenez l’appareil photo et cadrez la photo à prendre.


  Enfoncez le déclencheur à mi-course pour faire la mise au 

point sur le sujet.

Une fois la mise au point effectuée sur le sujet, l’appareil 
verrouille l’exposition (la vitesse d’obturation et la valeur 
d’ouverture s’af chent) et le repère de mise au point 
automatique (AF) devient vert.
Si le repère de mise au point automatique (AF) clignote en 
rouge, cela signi e que l’appareil photo n’a pas réussi à faire 
la mise au point. Reprenez la mise au point.







Repère de mise au point automatique (AF)

Enfoncez à 

Vitesse d’obturation Valeur d’ouverture


  Pour prendre la photo, enfoncez doucement le déclencheur 

jusqu’au fond, en prenant soin de ne pas secouer l’appareil photo.

Enregistrer des vidéos


  Appuyez sur la touche d’enregistrement vidéo pour lancer 



  Appuyez à nouveau sur la touche d’enregistrement vidéo 

pour arrêter l’enregistrement.

Af cher les photos


  Appuyez sur la touche 






 pour sélectionner une photo.

Effacer des photos pendant la 
lecture (effacement d’image simple)


 Af chez l’image à supprimer et appuyez sur 




Utiliser le  ash


  Sélectionnez l’option de  ash dans le menu de fonctions de 

prise de vue.




 pour sélectionner l’option de réglage, puis 

appuyez sur la touche 


 pour valider.








Activé : chargement en cours
Éteint : chargement terminé

Activé : chargement en cours
Éteint : chargement terminé

  La batterie n’est pas entièrement chargée lors de l’achat. 

Avant l’utilisation, vous devez charger la batterie jusqu’à 
ce que le voyant s’éteigne (STYLUS TOUGH-6020/
 TOUGH-6020 : 3 heures maximum, STYLUS TOUGH-3000/
 TOUGH-3000 : 2,5 heures maximum).

  Si le voyant ne s’allume pas, l’adaptateur secteur n’est pas 

correctement raccordé à l’appareil photo, ou la batterie, 
l’appareil photo ou l’adaptateur secteur est endommagé.

Réglage de la date, de l’heure et du 
fuseau horaire

La date et l’heure que vous réglez ici sont 
sauvegardées pour les noms de  chier d’image, les 
impressions de date et autres données.


  Appuyez sur la touche 


 pour allumer l’appareil photo. 

L’écran de réglage de la date et de l’heure s’af che si ces 
dernières ne sont pas réglées.




 pour sélectionner l’année sous [A].





 pour sauvegarder le réglage de [A].


  Tout comme aux étapes 2 et 3, utilisez 


 et la touche 


 pour régler [M] (mois), [J] (jour),  [HEURE] (heures et 

minutes) et [A/M/J] (ordre des dates).




 pour sélectionner le fuseau horaire [


], puis 

appuyez sur la touche 



 Changer la langue d’af chage


 Af chez le menu [REGLAGE].




 pour sélectionner l’onglet 


 (Paramètres 1) 

puis appuyez sur 






 pour sélectionner [


], puis appuyez sur la 







 pour sélectionner votre langue, puis 

appuyez sur la touche 




  Appuyez sur la touche 


Insertion de la carte mémoire SD/
SDHC (vendue séparément)


  Insérez la carte bien droit jusqu’à ce qu’elle se mette 

en place avec un léger bruit sec.

  Ne touchez pas la zone de contact avec les mains.

de protection 

de protection 





Preparación de la cámara

Inserción de la batería




  Inserte la batería introduciendo primero el polo que 

lleva la marca , con las marcas 


 orientadas hacia 

el botón de bloqueo de la batería.
Si se daña el exterior de la batería (rozaduras, etc.), 
ésta puede recalentarse o explotar. 

  Inserte la batería al tiempo que desliza el botón de 

bloqueo de la batería en la dirección de la  echa.

  Deslice el botón de bloqueo de la batería en la 

dirección de la  echa para desbloquear la batería, y a 
continuación extráigala.

  Al quitar la batería o la tarjeta, asegúrese de apagar la 

cámara antes de abrir o cerrar la carga de la batería y 
preparación de la cámara.

  Al usar la cámara, asegúrese de cerrar la tapa de la 


Carga de la batería y preparación de 
la cámara

Conecte la cámara al ordenador para cargar la batería 
y ajustar la cámara.

Requisitos del sistema

Windows XP (SP2 o superior)/Windows Vista/
Windows 7



Tapa de la batería/tarjeta/conector

Bloqueo de la tarjeta/batería/



Tapa de la batería/tarjeta/conector

Bloqueo de la tarjeta/batería/

Botón de bloqueo de la batería



Botón de bloqueo de la batería








  Conecte la cámara al ordenador.


Cable USB 


Ordenador (encendido 
y en funcionamiento)

Indicador de luz

Carga de la batería

Cuando la cámara está conectada al ordenador, la 
batería de la cámara se carga.

Durante la carga, el indicador de luz permanece encendido. 
Una vez completada la carga, el indicador de luz se apaga.

  Si el indicador de luz no se enciende, signi ca que la 

cámara puede estar mal conectada, o que la batería, la 
cámara, el ordenador o el cable USB pueden no estar 
funcionando correctamente.

Preparación de la cámara

Ajuste automáticamente la fecha, la hora, la zona horaria 
y el idioma de la pantalla de la cámara; instale el manual 
de instrucciones de la cámara y el software del PC (ib).

  No inserte tarjetas de memoria SD/SDHC antes de la 

preparación de la cámara.

  No formatee la memoria interna hasta que no se 

haya completado la preparación de la cámara. De lo 
contrario, se borrará el manual de instrucciones de la 
cámara y los datos del software del PC (ib) que están 
almacenados en la memoria interna.


  Seleccione y ejecute “OLYMPUS Camera Initialization” 

(Preparación de la cámara), que aparece en la pantalla del 
ordenador cuando la cámara es detectada por el ordenador.


  Siga las instrucciones en la pantalla del ordenador y prepare 

la cámara.

Carga de la batería con el adaptador 
USB de CA suministrado

  El adaptador USB-CA incluido (F-2AC) (en adelante 

designado como adaptador de CA) ha sido diseñado 
para implementar la carga y la reproducción. Asegúrese 
de que no se está utilizando la función de toma mientras 
el adaptador de CA esté conectado a la cámara.

Ejemplo: Adaptador de CA con cable de CA






de CA

Cable USB 





de CA

Cable USB 


  Cierre bien la tapa de la batería/tarjeta/conector 

de manera que se oiga el chasquido de cierre 

Toma con valor de apertura y velocidad 
de obturador óptimas (modo 




  Presione el botón 


 para encender la cámara.

  Si no se visualiza el indicador de mode 


, presione el 


 para mostrar el menú de funciones y, a 

continuación ajuste el modo de toma en 



  Pulse el botón 


 de nuevo para apagar la 



  Apunte la cámara y encuadre la toma.


  Presione el botón disparador hasta la mitad de su recorrido 

para enfocar el objeto.

Cuando la cámara enfoca el objeto, se  ja la exposición (se 
muestran la velocidad del obturador y el valor de apertura), y 
la marca de destino AF cambia de color al verde.
Si la marca de destino AF parpadea en rojo, signi ca que la 
cámara no se ha podido enfocar. Intente volver a enfocar.







Marca de destino AF

Presione hasta 
la mitad

Velocidad del obturador Valor de apertura


  Para tomar la fotografía, presione el botón disparador 

suavemente hasta el  nal de su recorrido con cuidado de no 
mover la cámara.

Toma de vídeos


  Presione el botón de grabación de vídeo para iniciar la 



  Presione el botón de grabación de vídeo de nuevo para 

detener la grabación.

Visualización de imágenes


  Presione el botón 






 para seleccionar una imagen.

Borrado de imágenes durante la 
reproducción (Borrado de una imagen)


  Visualice la imagen que desea borrar y presione 




Uso del  ash


  Seleccione el elemento del  ash en el menú de funciones de toma.




 para seleccionar la opción de ajuste, y presione el 



 para establecerlo.








Indicador de luz
Iluminado: Cargándose
Apagado: Carga completada

Indicador de luz
Iluminado: Cargándose
Apagado: Carga completada

  La batería no está totalmente cargada en el momento 

de la compra. Antes de usarla, asegúrese de cargar 
totalmente la batería hasta que se apague el indicador de 
luz (STYLUS TOUGH-6020/ TOUGH-6020: hasta 3 horas, 
STYLUS TOUGH-3000/ TOUGH-3000: hasta 2,5 horas).

  Si el indicador de luz no se ilumina puede que la 

cámara no se haya conectado correctamente o que la 
batería, cámara o adaptador de CA estén dañados.

Ajuste de la fecha, hora y zona horaria

La fecha y la hora con guradas aquí se guardan en 
los nombres de archivos de imagen, impresiones de 
fechas y otros datos.


  Presione el botón 


 para encender la cámara.

Cuando la fecha y la hora no están con guradas, aparece la 
pantalla de con guración correspondiente.




 para seleccionar el año [A].




 para guardar la con guración de [A].


  Como en los Pasos 2 y 3, use 


 y el botón 



establecer [M] (mes), [D] (día), [HORA] (horas y minutos) y 
[A/M/D] (orden de fecha).




 para seleccionar la zona horaria de [


] y a 

continuación presione el botón 



 Cambio del idioma de la pantalla


  Muestra el menú [CONFIGURAC.].




 para seleccionar la pestaña 


 (Ajustes 1) y, a 

continuación, presione 






 para seleccionar [


], y presione el botón 






 para seleccionar el idioma, y presione el 





  Presione el botón 


Colocación de la tarjeta de memoria 
SD/SDHC (vendida aparte)


  Insértela derecha hasta que encaje en su posición con 

un chasquido.

  No toque el área de contacto con las manos.

Botón de 
protección de 

Botón de 
protección de 

Printed in China

Содержание STYLUS STYLUS TOUGH-3000 /TOUGH-3000

Страница 1: ... software and instruction manual PDF le are stored on the internal memory of the camera We recommend that you take test shots to get accustomed to your camera before taking important photographs In the interest of continually improving products Olympus reserves the right to update or modify information contained in this manual The screen and camera illustrations shown in this manual were produced ...

Страница 2: Shooting Modes 23 Using Shooting Functions 28 Menus for Shooting Functions 33 Menus for Playback Editing and Printing Functions 38 Menus for Other Camera Settings 44 Printing 53 Usage Tips 58 Appendix 63 Step 1 Checking the contents of the box Other accessories not shown Warranty card Contents may vary depending on purchase location Digital camera USB cable CB USB6 AV cable CB AVC3 Strap USB AC...

Страница 3: ... Arrow pad H left G down D button erase p 20 F up INFO button changing information display p 18 21 I right A button Operation guides displayed at the bottom of the screen indicate that the m button A button or zoom buttons can be used MENU OK ERASE CANCEL Operation guide OK SET SHADOW ADJUST AUTO AF MODE FACE iESP ESP ESP FINE ZOOM OFF DIGITAL ZOOM OFF COMPRESSION NORMAL MENU OK SET EXIT 2 2 IMAGE...

Страница 4: ...u is displayed SHADOW ADJUST AUTO AF MODE FACE iESP ESP ESP FINE ZOOM OFF DIGITAL ZOOM OFF COMPRESS ON NORMAL MENU OK SET EXIT 2 2 IMAGE SIZE IMAGE SIZE 14M 14M 2 Press H to select the page tabs Use FG to select the desired page tab and press I x X MENU OK SET EXIT WORLD TIME TV OUT OFF POWER SAVE 2 2 Page tab MENU OK SET EXIT TV OUT OFF POWER SAVE x X X X X WORLD TIME Submenu 1 3 Use FG to select...


Страница 6: ...D TIME p 48 TV OUT p 48 POWER SAVE p 50 MANOMETER 1 p 50 TAP CONTROL 2 p 51 LED LLUMINATOR 2 p 52 COPY ENGLISH RESET USB CONNECTION PC MENU OK MEMORY FORMAT SET EXIT INTERNAL SD DATA REPAIR AUTO 1 2 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 STYLUS TOUGH 8010 TOUGH 8010 only 2 STYLUS TOUGH 8010 TOUGH 8010 and STYLUS TOUGH 6020 TOUGH 6020 only Operating the camera by tapping the Operating the camera by tapping the body body p ...

Страница 7: ...9 71 Camera unit 11 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 7 8 9 STYLUS TOUGH 6020 TOUGH 6020 STYLUS TOUGH 3000 TOUGH 3000 6 Lens p 63 7 Self timer lamp LED illuminator 2 p 30 p 32 52 8 Flash p 28 9 Battery lock knob p 11 10 Tripod socket 11 Microphone 3 p 35 43 1 STYLUS TOUGH 8010 TOUGH 8010 only 2 STYLUS TOUGH 8010 TOUGH 8010 and STYLUS TOUGH 6020 TOUGH 6020 only 3 STYLUS TOUGH 3000 TOUGH 3000 ...

Страница 8: ...n OK p 3 7 Indicator lamp p 12 13 8 Shutter button p 16 58 9 Zoom buttons p 17 20 10 Movie record button p 17 11 Strap eyelet p 8 12 Arrow pad p 3 INFO button changing informa ion display p 18 21 D button erase p 20 13 E button camera guide menu guide p 22 14 m button p 3 4 Attaching the camera strap Pull the strap tight so that it does not come loose 1 STYLUS TOUGH 8010 TOUGH 8010 and STYLUS TOUG...

Страница 9: ...p 4 5 6 12 World time p 48 13 Image stabilization still images Digital image stabilization movies p 36 14 Metering p 34 15 Shadow Adjustment Technology p 34 16 Compression still images p 33 66 67 68 17 Image size still images p 33 66 67 68 18 Number of storable still pictures still images p 16 19 Current memory p 65 20 Remaining recording time movies p 17 21 Al itude water depth 2 p 50 22 Atmosphe...

Страница 10: ...s p 56 p 55 3 Protect p 42 4 Adding sound p 35 36 43 5 Current memory p 65 6 Frame number total number of images still images p 18 Elapsed time total recording time movies p 19 7 Histogram p 18 8 Shutter speed p 16 9 Aperture value p 16 10 ISO p 31 11 Exposure compensation p 30 12 White balance p 30 13 Compression still images p 33 66 67 68 Image quality movies p 33 66 67 68 14 Image size p 33 66 ...

Страница 11: ...en using the camera be sure to close the battery card connector cover Battery charge and camera setup Connect the camera to the computer to charge the battery and setup the camera System requirements Windows XP SP2 or later Windows Vista Windows 7 When using another system other than the above or no computer see Charging the battery with the included USB AC adapter p 13 Inserting the battery 1 STY...

Страница 12: ...oper operation is not guaranteed in the following cases Computers with USB ports installed using an expansion card etc Computers without a factory installed OS and home built computers Double click the icon for the camera drive Removable Disk and then execute Setup exe to start the camera setup 3 Follow the instructions on the computer screen and setup the camera 1 Connect the camera to the comput...

Страница 13: ...harged The battery is not fully charged at shipment Before use be sure to charge the battery until the indicator lamp turns off STYLUS TOUGH 8010 TOUGH 8010 STYLUS TOUGH 6020 TOUGH 6020 up to 3 hours STYLUS TOUGH 3000 TOUGH 3000 up to 2 5 hours If the indicator lamp does not light the AC adapter is not connected to the camera correctly or the battery camera or AC adapter may be broken For details ...

Страница 14: ... date and time are not set Date and time setting screen X Y M D Y M D TIME MENU CANCEL 2 Use FG to select the year for Y MENU CANCEL X Y M D Y M D TIME 2010 2010 3 Press I to save the setting for Y 2010 X Y M D Y M D TIME MENU CANCEL 00 00 4 As in Steps 2 and 3 use FGHI and the A button to set M month D day TIME hours and minutes and Y M D date order For precise time setting press the A button as ...

Страница 15: ...ert other types of memory card Using a SD SDHC memory card p 64 Although the camera can store images in internal memory SD SDHC memory cards sold separately can be also used to store pictures 1 Insert the card straight until it clicks into place Do not touch the contact area directly 2 STYLUS TOUGH 8010 TOUGH 8010 STYLUS TOUGH 6020 TOUGH 6020 STYLUS TOUGH 3000 TOUGH 3000 1 2 3 1 2 Close the batter...

Страница 16: ...lue Focusing p 60 Shooting with the optimum aperture value and shutter speed P mode In this mode automa ic shooting settings are ac ivated while also allowing changes to a wide range of other shooting menu functions such as exposure compensation white balance etc as needed 1 Press the n button to turn on the camera P mode indicator 4M 4 4 P P 0 0 0 0 AUTO WB AUTO WB AUTO SO AUTO SO 00 34 00 34 Num...

Страница 17: is performed with the P mode setting 2 Press the movie record button again to stop recording Sound will also be recorded When recording sound in a movie the sound of the lens triggering and camera operating may be recorded STYLUS TOUGH 3000 TOUGH 3000 During sound recording only the digital zoom can be used To record a movie with optical zoom set R movies p 36 to OFF Using the zoom Pressing th...

Страница 18: ...time the button is pressed Shooting mode display p 9 14M 4 4 P P 0 0 0 0 A T W A T W A T A T 14M 4 4 NORM P P 0 0 0 0 A T W A T W A T A T 00 34 00 34 00 34 00 34 Normal Detailed No information Reading a histogram If the peak lls too much of the frame the image will appear mostly white If the peak lls too much of the frame the image will appear mostly black The green section shows luminance distrib...

Страница 19: ...o display the last frame Advancing and rewinding one frame at a time Press I or H to advance or rewind one frame at a time Hold I or H pressed for continuous advance or rewind Resuming playback Press the A button to resume playback To stop movie playback Press the m button To play sound recordings To play sound recorded with an image select the image and press the A button A icon appears on images...

Страница 20: ...ndex Index view enables quick selection of a desired image Close up view up to 10 magni ca ion allows checking of image details In event index 1 images are grouped by he shoo ing dates and representative images for an event can be displayed 1 Pictures with different dates can be grouped into the same event using the PC software ib 1 Press the zoom buttons 10 02 26 12 30 10 02 26 12 30 4 30 4 30 10...

Страница 21: ...10 10 4 30 4 30 1 1000 F3 9 2 0 AUTO WB AUTO ISO 100 0004 10 02 26 12 30 P N M 14M 960hPa 0m Normal Detailed No information Reading a histogram p 18 Playing back panorama images Panorama images that were combined together using AUTO or MANUAL can be scrolled for viewing Creating panoramic images p mode p 25 1 Select a panorama image during playback Viewing images p 18 10 02 26 10 02 26 12 30 4 30 ...

Страница 22: ...amera History Message OK SET EXIT Search Search Submenu 2 Application Search Functions or operating methods can be searched from a term or shooting objective Learn about the camera Information is shown about recommended functions and basic operating methods for the camera History Searches can be performed from the search history Message Messages from the camera can be viewed 2 Use FG to select the...

Страница 23: ... using the function menu Using the Menu p 4 Shooting with automatic settings M mode The camera will automatically select the optimal shooting mode for the scene This is a fully automatic mode that allows you to take a picture suited to the scene by simply pressing the shutter button In M mode set ings in the shooting menu can be selected but the changed setting is not re ected in the actual shot 1...

Страница 24: ...ce is automatically xed to approx 5 0 m 16 4 ft Important information about water and shock resistant features p 69 To lock the focus distance for underwater shoots AF lock When T SNAPSHOT k WIDE1 or H MACRO is selected press the A button STYLUS TOUGH 8010 TOUGH 8010 and STYLUS TOUGH 6020 TOUGH 6020 only 14M 4 4 0 0 0 0 AUTO WB AUTO WB AFLOCK AFLOCK AF lock mark To cancel press the A button again ...

Страница 25: ...a The user only composes the shots so that the target marks and pointers overlap and the camera automatically releases the shutter MANUAL Three frames are taken and combined by the camera The user composes the shots using the guide frame and manually releases the shutter PC The frames that were taken are combined into a panorama image using the PC software ib For details on installing the PC softw...

Страница 26: ...with MANUAL 1 Use HI to specify at which edge the next picture is to be connected MANUAL MANUAL 1 2 MENU BACK Direction for combining the next frame 2 Press the shutter button to take he rst frame 1st frame MANUAL MANUAL 1 2 MANUAL MANUAL 1 2 MENU BACK MENU OK S VE CANC L Joint areas 3 Compose the next shot so that joint area 1 overlaps joint area 2 Composition of the 2nd frame MANUAL MANUAL 1 2 M...

Страница 27: Refer to the PC software ib help guide for details on how to make panorama images Smoothing out skin tone and texture Q mode The camera identi es a person s face and gives the skin a smoo h translucent look for taking the picture 1 Set the shooting mode to Q 14M 4 4 0 0 0 0 AUTO WB AUTO WB BEAUTY BEAUTY P P 2 Point the camera toward the subject Check the frame appearing around the face detected...

Страница 28: ...s 1 Select the ash option in the shooting function menu 14M 4 4 P P 0 0 0 0 AUTO WB AUTO WB AUTO ISO AUTO ISO FLASH AUTO FLASH AUTO 2 Use HI to select the setting option and press the A button to set Option Description FLASH AUTO The ash res automatically in low light or backlight conditions REDEYE Pre ashes are emitted to reduce the occurrence of red eye in your photos F LL IN The ash res regardl...

Страница 29: ...les the camera to shoot subjects at even closer distances This function enables shooting as close as the following distances STYLUS TOUGH 8010 TOUGH 8010 STYLUS TOUGH 6020 TOUGH 6020 STYLUS TOUGH 3000 TOUGH 3000 3 cm 1 2 in 2 cm 0 8 in Subjects at the following or farther distances cannot be brought into focus STYLUS TOUGH 8010 TOUGH 8010 STYLUS TOUGH 6020 TOUGH 6020 STYLUS TOUGH 3000 TOUGH 3000 6...

Страница 30: ...ken Self timer shooting is automatically canceled after one shot To cancel the self timer after it starts Press he m button Adjusting the brightness Exposure compensation The standard brightness appropriate exposure set by the camera based on he shoo ing mode except for M can be adjusted brighter or darker to obtain a desired shot 1 Select the exposure compensation option in the shooting function ...

Страница 31: ...he International Organization for Standardization ISO standards specify the sensitivity for digital cameras and lm thus codes such as ISO 100 are used to represent sensitivity In the ISO setting although smaller values result in less sensitivity sharp images can be taken under fully lit conditions Larger values result in higher sensitivity and images can be taken at fast shutter speeds even under ...

Страница 32: to W the ash is xed to FLASH OFF When set to W MAGE SIZE is limited to 3 or lower and the ISO sensitivity is xed to ISO AUTO Using the LED illuminator STYLUS TOUGH 8010 TOUGH 8010 and STYLUS TOUGH 6020 TOUGH 6020 only In a dark loca ion the LED illuminator can be used as an auxiliary light to see things or compose shots 1 Set LED ILLUMINATOR p 52 to ON 2 Press and hold F down until the LED illu...

Страница 33: ...1 3968 2232 2 Suitable for playing pictures on a widescreen TV and for printing on A3 or 11 17 16 9F 1920 1080 Suitable for playing pictures on a widescreen TV and for printing on A5 or 5 7 COMPRESSION FINE Shooting at high quality NORMAL Shooting at normal quality 1 STYLUS TOUGH 8010 TOUGH 8010 and STYLUS TOUGH 6020 TOUGH 6020 only 2 STYLUS TOUGH 3000 TOUGH 3000 only Number of storable pictures s...

Страница 34: ...r some subjects the frame may not appear or may take some time to appear 2 If the frame blinks in red the camera cannot focus Try refocusing on the subject To focus on a moving subject continuously AF Tracking 1 Hold he camera to align the AF target mark on the subject and press the A button 2 When the camera recognizes the subject the AF target mark automatically tracks the subject movement to fo...

Страница 35: ...g at higher magni cations than optical zoom DIGITAL ZOOM I Shoo ing menu 1 X DIGITAL ZOOM Available shooting modes P M s P p Q Submenu 2 Application OFF Only optical zoom is used to zoom in for shooting ON Optical zoom and digital zoom are combined to zoom in for shooting 1 1 STYLUS TOUGH 8010 TOUGH 8010 STYLUS TOUGH 6020 TOUGH 6020 Approx 25 max STYLUS TOUGH 3000 TOUGH 3000 Approx 18 max The sett...

Страница 36: ...or other stable surface ON The image stabilizer is activated The camera s default settings are IMAGE STAB LIZER still images to ON and IS MOVIE MODE movies to OFF There may be a noise coming from inside the camera when the shutter button is pressed with IMAGE STAB LIZER still images set to ON Images may not be stabilized if camera shake is too severe When the shutter speed is extremely slow such a...

Страница 37: ...matically rotated during playback Displaying icon guides ICON GUIDE J Shooting menu 2 X ICON GUIDE Available shooting modes P M s P p Q Submenu 2 Application OFF No icon guide is displayed ON The explanation of the selected icon will be displayed when a shooting mode or shooting function menu icon is selected position the cursor on the icon for a while to display the explanation Icon guide 14M 4 4...

Страница 38: ...ition effect used between slides START Starts the slideshow Single frame advance rewind During a slideshow press I to skip ahead one frame or press H to go back one frame Searching for images and playing back the related images PHOTO SURFING PHOTO SURFING In PHOTO SURFING images can be searched and related images can be played back by selecting he related items To start PHOTO SURFING Press the A b...

Страница 39: ...s been created with the PC software ib and imported back from a computer To start COLLECTION q Press the A button and hen use FGHI to select he desired collection Press he A button again to start playback of the selected collection Use HI to advance or rewind by one frame To stop COLLECTION q press the m button COLLECTION MENU OK SET BACK Using a PC software ib and importing data back to the camer...

Страница 40: ...mage When CLEAR SKIN is selected Use FG to select the retouching level and press the A button CLEAR SKIN MENU OK SET BACK AVG SOFT SOFT HARD Changing the image size Q EDIT X Q Submenu 2 Application C 640 480 This saves a high resolution image as a separate image with a smaller size for use in e mail attachments and other applications E 320 240 1 Use HI to select an image 2 Use FG to select an imag...

Страница 41: ...lect an image and press the A button 2 Use HI to select a calendar Use FG to select the image orientation and then press the A button 3 Use FG to select the Year of he calendar and press I 4 Use FG to select the Month of the calendar and press he A button The edited image is saved as a separate image Brightening areas that are dark due to backlight or other reasons SHADOW ADJ EDIT X SHADOW ADJ 1 U...

Страница 42: index view Images can be quickly selected using the FGHI buttons Press the T button to return to the single frame display MENU OK SEL IMAGE ERASE CANCEL R mark 3 Repeat Step 2 to select the images to be erased and hen press the m button to erase the selected images 4 Use FG to select YES and press the A button The images with a R mark are erased To erase all images ALL ERASE 1 Use FG to select ...

Страница 43: ...the m button The new picture orientations will be saved even after the power is turned off Adding sound to still images R q Playback menu X R 1 Use HI to select an image 2 Aim the microphone toward the sound source STYLUS TOUGH 8010 TOUGH 8010 Microphone STYLUS TOUGH 6020 TOUGH 6020 Microphone STYLUS TOUGH 3000 TOUGH 3000 Microphone 3 Press he A button Recording starts The camera adds records soun...

Страница 44: ...vice INTERNAL SD r Settings 1 X INTERNAL SD Submenu 2 Application AUTO If a card is inserted the card is automatically selected If no card is inserted internal memory is used IN 1 Internal memory is selected 1 Internal memory is used even if a card is inserted Erasing data completely MEMORY FORMAT FORMAT r Settings 1 X MEMORY FORMAT FORMAT Before formatting check that no important data is left in ...

Страница 45: ...ista Windows 7 Macintosh Mac OS X v10 3 or later When using another system other than Windows XP SP2 or later Windows Vista Windows 7 set to STORAGE Even if a computer has USB ports proper operation is not guaranteed in the following cases Computers with USB ports installed using an expansion card etc Computers without a factory installed OS and home built computers Turning on the camera with the ...

Страница 46: ...s ON FG can be used to adjust volume during playback 2 Even when SILENT MODE is ON sound is played when images are displayed on a television Resetting the le names of pictures FILE NAME s Settings 2 X FILE NAME Month 1 to C A October B November C December Day 01 to 31 Pmdd Folder name Folder name File name DC M 100OLYMP 999OLYMP Pmdd0001 jpg Pmdd9999 jpg Automatic numbering Automatic numbering Sub...

Страница 47: ...o perform it again To adjust the CCD and the image processing function Press the A button when START Submenu 2 is displayed The camera checks and adjusts the CCD and the image processing function at the same time Adjusting the brightness of the monitor s s Settings 2 X s To adjust the monitor brightness 1 Use FG to adjust the brightness while viewing he screen and then press the A button MENU OK S...

Страница 48: ... zone and the home time zone x to display the time in the travel destination time zone y Playing back images on a TV TV OUT t Settings 3 X TV OUT The TV video signal system varies depending on the countries and regions Before viewing camera images on your TV select the video output according to your TV s video signal type Submenu 2 Submenu 3 Application VIDEO OUT NTSC Connecting the camera to a TV...

Страница 49: ...l When the camera is connected to the computer or other device via USB cable do not connect the HDMI cable to the camera Connect to the HDMI connector on the TV HDMI mini connector HDMI cable type C commercially available Open the battery card connector cover in the direction of the arrow 3 Turn on the TV and change INPUT to VIDEO an input jack connected to he camera For details on changing the in...

Страница 50: ... POWER SAVE ON When the camera is not being used for approx 10 seconds the monitor automatically turns off to save battery power To resume standby mode Press any button Displaying the current altitude water depth atmospheric hydraulic pressure MANOMETER STYLUS TOUGH 8010 TOUGH 8010 only t Settings 3 X MANOMETER The readings may have a margin of error depending on meteorological conditions Use the ...

Страница 51: ...f the camera body once Then tap the top side of the camera once The ash mode selection screen is displayed 2 Tap the right or left side of the camera body to select a function 3 Tap the back of the camera body twice to con rm your selection 14M 4 4 P P 0 0 0 0 AUTO WB AUTO WB AUTO SO AUTO SO FLASH AUTO FLASH AUTO Tap the camera rmly using the pad of your nger When the camera is stabilized on a tri...

Страница 52: ...Select he STR setting with FG and press the I button 4 Select he INTVL setting with FG and press the A button TOP MENU OK SET BACK STR INTVL NORM AVG AVG Check the operation of the camera by tapping on the camera after making the settings Using the LED illuminator as an auxiliary light LED ILLUMINATOR STYLUS TOUGH 8010 TOUGH 8010 and STYLUS TOUGH 6020 TOUGH 6020 only t Settings 3 X LED ILLUMINATOR...

Страница 53: To nd out if your printer supports PictBridge refer to the printer s instruction manual 1 PictBridge is a standard for connecting digital cameras and printers of different makers and printing out pictures directly The printing modes paper sizes and other parameters that can be set with the camera vary depending on the printer that is used For details refer to the printer s instruction man...

Страница 54: ...EET are set to the printer s standard PRINTPAPER SIZE BORDERLESS STANDARD OK SET MENU BACK STANDARD STANDARD 5 Use FG to select the BORDERLESS or PICS SHEET settings and press the A button Submenu 4 Application OFF ON 1 The image is printed with a border around it OFF The image is printed to ll the entire paper ON The number of images per sheet varies depending on the printer The number of images ...

Страница 55: ...OK SET 2 Use FG to select OK and press the A button MENU OK P CANCEL OK OK SET BACK 8 If necessary repeat Steps 6 and 7 to select the image to be printed make the detailed settings and set SINGLEPRINT 9 Press the A button PRINT MENU OK CANCEL SET BACK PRINT PRINT 10Use FG to select PRINT and press the A button Printing starts When OPTION SET is selected in ALL PR NT mode PRINT INFO screen is displ...

Страница 56: device Making new DPOF reservations with this camera will erase the reservations made by the other device DPOF print reservations can be made for up to 999 images per card Single frame print reservations 1 Display the SETUP menu Using the Menu p 4 2 From the playback menu q select PRINT ORDER and then press the A button PRINT ORDER U MENU OK SET EXIT 3 Use FG to select and press the A button NO...

Страница 57: the A button Resetting the print reservation data for selected images 1 Follow Steps 1 and 2 in p 56 2 Use FG to select and press the A button 3 Use FG to select KEEP and press the A button 4 Use HI to select the image with the print reservation you want to cancel Use FG to set the print quantity to 0 5 If necessary repeat Step 4 and then press the A button when nished 6 Use FG to select the X ...

Страница 58: the internal temperature may increase resulting in automatic shutdown If this occurs remove the battery from the camera and wait until the camera has suf ciently cooled The camera s external temperature may also increase during use however this is normal and does not indicate malfunction Monitor Dif cult to see Condensation 1 may have occurred Turn off the power and wait for the camera body to ...

Страница 59: ...the image on a computer If the image still cannot be viewed the image le is corrupted THE IMAGE CANNOT BE EDITED Problem with selected image Use photo retouch software etc to edit the image on a computer BATTERY EMPTY Battery problem Charge the battery NO CONNECTION Connection problem Connect the camera and computer or printer correctly NO PAPER Printer problem Load paper into the printer Error me...

Страница 60: ...h no vertical lines 1 1 t is also effective to compose the shot by holding the camera vertically to focus and then returning to the horizontal position to take the picture When objects are at different distances Fast moving object The subject is not in the center of the frame Camera shake Taking pictures without camera shake Taking pictures using IMAGE STABILIZER p 36 When a picture is taken of a ...

Страница 61: ... shade as they appear Taking pictures by selecting white balance p 30 Best results in most environments can normally be obtained with the WB AUTO setting but for some subjects you should try experimenting with different settings This is especially true for sunshade under a clear sky mixed natural and arti cial light settings and so on Taking pictures using FILL IN p 28 ash Use of the ash is also e...

Страница 62: ...y card sold separately p 15 Selecting a storage device INTERNAL SD p 44 Viewing images with high picture quality on a high de nition TV Connect the camera to the TV using an HDMI cable commercially available To play back camera images on a TV p 48 Editing Erasing the sound recorded to a still image Record over the sound with silence when playing back the image Adding sound to still images R p 43 ...

Страница 63: ... or charge it using the included USB AC adapter F 2AC a separately sold AC adapter F 1AC D 7AC or charger STYLUS TOUGH 8010 TOUGH 8010 STYLUS TOUGH 6020 TOUGH 6020 LI 50C STYLUS TOUGH 3000 TOUGH 3000 LI 41C LI 40C Camera care Exterior Wipe gently with a soft cloth If he camera is very dirty soak the cloth in mild soapy water and wring well Wipe the camera with the damp cloth and then dry it with a...

Страница 64: ... any other AC adapter with his camera Using a separately sold charger A charger sold separately can be used to charge the battery In this case remove the battery from the camera and set he battery to he charger STYLUS TOUGH 8010 TOUGH 8010 STYLUS TOUGH 6020 TOUGH 6020 LI 50C STYLUS TOUGH 3000 TOUGH 3000 LI 41C LI 40C Using your charger and USB AC adapter abroad The charger and USB AC adapter can b...

Страница 65: ...layback mode Shooting mode 10 02 26 10 02 26 12 30 30 30 4 4 P P 0 0 0 0 AUTO WB AUTO WB AUTO ISO AUTO ISO 14M 00 34 00 34 Even if MEMORY FORMAT FORMAT ERASE ERASE EVENT SEL IMAGE or ALL ERASE is performed the data in the card is not completely erased When disposing of the card damage the card to prevent the disclosure of personal data Readout recording process of the card During shoo ing he curre...

Страница 66: IMAGE SIZE COMPRESSION Number of storable still pictures Internal memory SD SDHC memory card 1GB With sound Without sound With sound Without sound 6 4288 3216 L 225 237 133 140 M 423 466 251 276 4 3264 2448 L 373 406 220 240 M 677 793 400 469 n 2560 1920 L 570 651 337 385 M 1 036 1 337 613 790 3 2048 1536 L 819 996 484 589 M 1 411 2 032 846 1 226 2 1600 1200 L 1 239 1 693 732 1 001 M 1 88...

Страница 67: ...84 1 540 M 963 2 022 1 430 3 004 7 640 480 L 1 189 3 370 1 820 5 461 M 1 444 6 741 2 145 10 013 K 4288 2416 L 117 125 175 187 M 217 246 324 368 0 1920 1080 L 459 612 690 924 M 722 1 189 1 092 1 820 Movies IMAGE SIZE IMAGE QUALITY Continuous recording length Internal memory SD SDHC memory card 1GB With sound Without sound With sound Without sound L 1280 720 L 8 min 36 sec 8 min 43 sec 13 min 18 sec...

Страница 68: ... 011 984 1 540 M 963 2 022 1 430 3 004 7 640 480 L 1 189 3 370 1 820 5 461 M 1 444 6 741 2 145 10 013 K 3968 2232 L 135 146 202 218 M 249 288 370 429 0 1920 1080 L 459 612 690 924 M 722 1 189 1 092 1 820 Movies IMAGE SIZE IMAGE QUALITY Continuous recording length Internal memory SD SDHC memory card 1GB With sound Without sound With sound Without sound L 1280 720 L 8 min 36 sec 8 min 43 sec 13 min ...

Страница 69: ...e a test shot to check the operation of the ash and the resulting image Be sure to check the charge level of the camera and wireless ash before taking pictures Although there is no limit on the number of wireless ash units that are set up usage of a maximum of three units is recommended to prevent malfunction due to interference with each other When the camera ash is set to RC the camera built in ...

Страница 70: ...the camera in a bucket containing fresh water for about 10 minutes with the battery card connector cover rmly closed After that dry the camera in the shade with good ventilation Water drops may be observed on the inner surface of the battery card connector cover after you open the cover If any water drops are found be sure to wipe them off before using the camera Notes after use Foreign materials ...

Страница 71: ...oduct is used without observing the information given under this symbol minor personal injury damage to the equipment or loss of valuable data may result WARNING TO AVOID THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRICAL SHOCK NEVER DISASSEMBLE EXPOSE THIS PRODUCT TO WATER OR OPERATE IN A HIGH HUMIDITY ENVIRONMENT General Precautions Read All Instructions Before you use the product read all operating instructions Sa...

Страница 72: ... in this state a low temperature burn may be caused In places subject to extremely cold temperatures the temperature of the camera s body may be lower than the environmental temperature If possible wear gloves when handling the camera in cold temperatures Be careful with the strap Be careful with the strap when you carry the camera It could easily catch on stray objects and cause serious damage Do...

Страница 73: ...voltage such as near a TV set microwave video game loud speakers large monitor unit TV radio tower or transmission towers In such cases turn the camera off and on again before further operation Always observe the operating environment restrictions described in the camera s manual Battery Handling Precautions This camera uses a lithium ion battery speci ed by Olympus Do not use any other type of ba...

Страница 74: ...rein Olympus reserves the right to alter the features and contents of this publica ion or software without obliga ion or advance notice FCC Notice Radio and Television Interference Changes or modi cations not expressly approved by the manufacturer may void the user s authority to operate this equipment This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device ...

Страница 75: ...ympus Service Center Olympus shall not be obligated to perform preventive maintenance installation deinstalla ion or maintenance Olympus reserves the right to i use reconditioned refurbished and or serviceable used parts that meet Olympus s quality assurance standards for warranty or any other repairs and ii make any internal or external design and or feature changes on or to its products without ...

Страница 76: ...mpus This limited warranty is he complete and exclusive statement of warranty which Olympus agrees to provide with respect to the Products and it shall supersede all prior and contemporaneous oral or written agreements understandings proposals and communications pertaining to the subject matter hereof This limited warranty is exclusively for the bene t of the original customer and cannot be transf...

Страница 77: ... risk and shall be responsible for any costs incurred in transporting the product Provisions of Guarantee 1 OLYMPUS IMAG NG CORP Shinjuku Monolith 2 3 1 Nishi Shinjuku Shinjuku ku Tokyo 163 0914 Japan grants a one year World Wide Guarantee This worldwide Guarantee must be presented at an Olympus authorized repair service station before any repair can be made under conditions of this Guarantee This...

Страница 78: ...zed service station at his own risk and shall be responsible for any costs incurred in transporting the product 3 This warranty does not cover the following and the customer will be required to pay repair charge even for defects occurring within the one year period referred to above Any defect that occurs due to mishandling such as an operation performed that is not mentioned in the Handling Care ...

Страница 79: ...any consequential incidental or indirect damages including but not limited to damages for loss of business pro ts business interruption and loss of business information arising from the use of inability to use these written materials or software Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages so he above limitations may not apply to you Tra...

Страница 80: ...UGH 6020 TOUGH 6020 0 6 m 2 0 ft to normal 0 2 m 0 7 ft to W 0 5 m 1 6 ft to T macro mode 0 03 m 0 1 ft to 0 6 m 2 0 ft f 6 7 xed super macro mode STYLUS TOUGH 3000 TOUGH 3000 0 5 m 1 6 ft to normal 0 1 m 0 3 ft to W 0 3 m 1 0 ft to T macro mode 0 02 m 0 07 ft to 0 5 m 1 6 ft f 6 5 xed super macro mode Monitor 2 7 TFT color LCD display 230 000 dots Connector DC N jack USB connector A V OUT jack Mu...

Страница 81: ...m ion rechargeable battery Standard voltage DC 3 7 V Standard capacity 740 mAh Battery life Approx 300 full charges varies on usage Operating environment Temperature 0 C to 40 C 32 F to 104 F charging 10 C to 60 C 14 F to 140 F operation 20 C to 35 C 4 F to 95 F storage Dimensions 31 5 mm W 39 5 mm H 6 0 mm D 1 2 1 5 0 2 in Weight Approx 15 g 0 5 oz Lithium ion battery LI 50B Product type Lithium ...

Страница 82: ...z F 2AC 2B Design and speci cations subject to change without notice Using in low temperatures Low temperature operation of the Olympus lithium ion battery is guaranteed to 0 C 32 F However the Olympus lithium ion battery has been tested for use with this product in temperatures up to 10 C 14 F Olympus lithium ion battery STYLUS TOUGH 8010 TOUGH 8010 STYLUS TOUGH 6020 TOUGH 6020 LI 50B STYLUS TOUG...

Страница 83: ...VN678203 ...

Страница 84: ... chargement et à l af chage Assurez vous de ne pas utiliser la prise de vue alors que l adaptateur secteur est raccordé à l appareil photo Exemple Adaptateur secteur avec câble d alimentation 1 2 3 1 Connecteur multiple Prise de courant Câble USB fourni 2 3 1 Connecteur multiple Prise de courant Câble USB fourni 2 Fermez solidement le couvercle de la batterie carte connecteur jusqu au déclic Prend...

Страница 85: ... des vibrations continues ATTENTION Avant sa mise en place toujours contrôler soigneusement la batterie pour des coulages décoloration gauchissement ou toutes autres anormalités La batterie peut devenir chaude pendant une utilisation prolongée Pour éviter des brûlures mineures ne pas la retirer immédiatement après avoir utilisé l appareil Toujours retirer la batterie de l appareil avant de le rang...

Страница 86: ...0 ecra no seu idioma Aguarde Bemrerk angaende installering af PC programmet ib Den engelske hjaelpefunktion som kommer frem i begyndelsen af installeringen vii skifte til hjaelpefunktionen pit dit sprog Vent venligst Om installering av PC programvare ib Det engelske veiviserskjermbildet som vises nar installeringen begynner vii endres til et skjermbilde pa dill spritk Vent litt Nota sull installaz...

Страница 87: ...chermata di impostazione di data e ora Pastaba apie foloaparalo paruosim l Pranesimas angl l kalba kuris pasirodo paspaudus fotoaparato mygtukq ON OFF Paspauskile mygluk OK kad pereitumete prie datos ir laiko nustatymo ekrano Piezime par kameras iestatisanu Nospiezo kameras ON OFF taustiQu paradas pazil ojums anglu valoda Nospiediel tausliQu OK lai parietu uz datuma un laika iestatisanas ekranu Op...

Страница 88: ...OLYMPUS ...

Страница 89: ...s dans Ie manuel de I utilisateur Lisez attentivement la page concernant les INFORMATIONS IMPORTANTES RELATIVES AUX FONCTIONS D ETANCHEITE AL EAU ET DE RESISTANCE AUX CHOCS Les illustrations de I appareil photo presentees dans ce manuel peuvent ne pas correspondre au produit reel mais I operation est la mame Es necesario actuar con el debido cuidado antes y despues de usar la camara para mantener ...

Страница 90: ...rey areas in the illustrations If there are any foreign objects or water drops wipe them off with a soft lint free cloth Make sure that there are no cracks or tears in the water resistant sealants Verifiez qu il n y a aucun objet etranger comme des cheveux ou du sable ou des gouttes d eau aI interieur du couvercle de la batterie carte connecteur zones en gris sur les illustrations S il y a un obje...

Страница 91: ...r Couvercle de I objectif La tapa del objetivo lI 7i j Rincez egalement autour de I objectif couvercie de I objectif et Ie couvercie de la batterie carte connecteur sous un robinet d eau ciaire Para modelos con una tapa de objetivo presione el bot6n ON OFF varias veces mientras la camara esta sumergida para eliminar cualquier resto de la tapa del objetivo Si no puede mover la tapa del objetivo col...

Страница 92: ... INSTRUCTIONS DANGER TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK CAREFULLY FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS For connection to a supply not in the U S A use an attachment plug adapter of the proper configuration for the power outlet if needed VN8409 4 165 612 02 ...

Страница 93: ...22 6372 to attempt to determine the nature of the problem IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR NEED HELP If you have questions about the use or performance of your Products or if you have any questions or comments regarding service performed in the United States which have not been resolved to your satisfaction write directly to Olympus Imaging America Inc 3500 Corporate Parkway P O Box 610 Center Valley PA 1...

Страница 94: ...ica Inc 3500 Corporate Parkway P O Box 610 Center Valley PA 18034 0610 U S A Attn Customer Care Servicio al cliente No envie productos a esta direcci6n SERVICE CENTERS WHERE TO SEND PRODUCT FOR SERVICE Olympus Imaging America Inc 400 Rabro Drive Hauppauge NY 11788 4258 1 800 O CAMERA 622 6372 Olympus Imaging America Inc 10805 Holder Street Suite 170 Cypress CA 90630 5145 1 800 O CAMERA 622 6372 Ol...
