Chapter 5 Care and Storage
Chapter 5 Care and Storage
• After cleaning the OCS-500, dry it thoroughly before use. If it
used while wet, there is a risk of electric shock.
• Patient debris and reprocessing chemicals are hazardous.
Wear personal protective equipment to guard against
dangerous chemicals and potentially infectious material.
During cleaning, wear appropriate personal protective
equipment, such as eye wear, face mask, moisture-resistant
clothing and chemical-resistant gloves that fit properly and
are long enough so that your skin is not exposed. Always
remove contaminated protective clothing before leaving the
reprocessing area.
• Do not attempt to autoclave or gas sterilize the colposcope.
Either of these methods may cause equipment damage.
• Do not wipe the surface of the colposcope with an abrasive
material. Otherwise the surface finish may be damaged.
If the OCS-500 becomes soiled, perform the following cleaning procedures
immediately after use. If cleaning is delayed, organic debris will solidify and it
may be difficult to effectively clean the OCS-500. The instrument should also be
cleaned routinely.
Wipe the equipment using a soft, lint-free cloth moistened with 70% ethyl or
isopropyl alcohol to remove dust, dirt, etc.
Should the equipment become soiled with blood or other potentially
infectious patient material, first wipe off all gross debris using a soft, lint-free
cloth moistened with detergent solution. Then wipe the equipment with a
clean, lint-free cloth moistened with 70% ethyl or isopropyl alcohol.
Remove any dirt from the objective or lenses with using a piece of gauze or
lint-free cloth moistened with 70% ethyl or isopropyl alcohol.
Make sure that no liquid remains on the objective or lenses. After wiping
them down with alcohol, be sure dry them thoroughly.