Moving subject
It is impossible to hold
a fast moving object in
the center of the
viewfinder long enough
for automatic focusing,
so lock the focus on an
object that is at the same distance from the
camera as the subject you want to shoot, wait
for the subject to appear, and then shoot the
Shooting through glass or glaring surface
A picture taken through a window, or shooting a
glaring surface like shiny metal, could be
difficult to focus. If this problem occurs, set the
focus mode switch to MF (manual focus) and
focus the subject manually.
Backlit subjects
Strongly backlit subjects could be difficult to
focus. Set the focus mode switch to MF
(manual focus) and focus the subject manually.
Close-up Subjects
When shooting a subject closer than 1 m, the
location where you see the AF target mark and
the actual metered AF distance could be
different. Try to point the camera at a large area
of the subject to focus, or take the picture in the
conversion lens mode (with a conversion lens).
In such situations, you can use substitute
focusing. Compose a picture with the AF target
mark in the viewfinder on an object that is the
same distance from the camera as the subject
that you want to shoot. Half-press the shutter
button to focus on the substitute object, keep
the shutter button half pressed, compose the
picture again with the original subject and then
fully-press the shutter button to take the picture.
(If you are waiting for a fast moving subject to
appear, keep the shutter button half pressed
until the subject appears in the viewfinder.)
To focus manually
Set the focus mode switch to MF (Manual
Focus). Turn the manual focus ring until you
see the subject focused in the viewfinder or the
monitor. The image in the monitor is double-
size to make focusing easier, and the camera-
to-subject distance is displayed in the lower
part of the monitor.
Exposure Compensation
Use exposure compensation to manually
increase or decrease the exposure setting
automatically selected by the camera to create
a brighter or darker image. Set the mode dial to
, or
. Hold down the exposure
compensation button
, and then turn the
main dial or sub dial to select the exposure.
Exposure compensation can be adjusted in the
range of
3EV in 1/3EV steps. You can confirm
changes in brightness in the range
2EV on the
AE Lock
Point the camera at the subject, press the
automatic exposure lock button
, half-
press the shutter button to focus the subject
automatically, and then fully-press to take the
picture. The exposure setting will not change as
long as the
button is depressed so you
can continue to shoot with the same exposure
Bracketing Shots
You can set the camera to automatically
bracket a shot with three different exposure
settings at 1/3EV, 2/3EV, or 1EV full exposure
step for each shot.
Changing ISO
The ISO setting is equivalent to the ISO
settings performed with traditional SLR
cameras that employ film.
White Balance
The light source can affect how the camera
reproduces color. Normally, the camera uses a
white portion of the composed picture as a
base to reproduce other colors, but if the
picture does not contain white, or if you are
shooting under artificial lights (especially
fluorescent lights), you may need to adjust the
white balance to achieve the most natural color
reproduction in your pictures. White balance
can be adjusted three ways.
Auto white balance
. The camera performs
balance color automatically using a white
portion of the composed picture as a
reference. Press and hold down the white