Thank you for purchasing this product of Olympia Electronics. A European manufacturer.
The panel has :
- One fire extinguish output monitored for open and short circuit. The output can operate with actuators or electro valves.
-Two cross zones for fire detectors.
- One zone for a manual call point to start the extinguish procedure.
- One zone for a manual call point to cancel the extinguish procedure.
- Three modes of operation
- The panel has two independent siren outputs.
- One contact relay for fault status.
- Two fully programable relay contacts.
-Terminals to communicate with conventional fire detection panels.
The battery Α-986 (12V/7Ah) is required for the operation of the panel.
All functions and indications are according to European Norms ΕΝ 12094-1, EN 54-2, EN 54-4.
Press for immediate
Insert the key to access
the internal of the panel
Control Keyboard and
indication leds
Insert the included
restoration key
4 zone panel with one extinguish output
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High Quality European based Manufacturers
Press for extinguish