№ докум.
Подпись Дата
ВДМ-00.00.000 РЭ
It is forbidden to exceed the rated speed of the abrasive roller given in
the technical specifications!
2.4. Product Usage
Set the Product in operation in the following order:
- the bunker slide valve and the gate valve 3 (see Fig. 1) in the feeder unit are in
the “Closed” position;
- make sure there is a clearance between the roller and the head, by opening the
inspection hatches 8;
- close the hatches;
- switch on the aspiration system;
- switch on the Product;
- feed the materials into the Product by opening the bunker slide valve and the
gate valve 3 of the feeder;
- set the regulating valve 3 in the feed unit due to the required output rate.
When buckwheat processing, set the clearance between the roller and the head in
accordance with the grade of the processed material.
When millet processing, set the clearance between the roller and the head of not
more than 1 mm.
Upon skipping a small amount of material, take a sample.
According to the analysis of the sample, adjust the gap between the roller and the
head to obtain the necessary hulling coefficient.
In the course of operation, it is necessary to periodically analyze the fractional
composition of the processed product, in case of heterogeneity identification, which goes
to prove the unevenness of the operating clearance across the width of the roller; it is
necessary to stop the hulling process and grind the head. If the specified operation does
not eliminate the heterogeneity, it is necessary to align the roller and grind the head.
Prior to switching off the Product, shut off the material supply, close the slide
valve in the product feed line, process all the material, switch off the machine, after 25 ...
30 s. - Switch off the aspiration system.