OLIMEX© 2014
STM32-P407 user's manual
I2C2_SCL - 11 - A0 - the additional memory
I2C2_SDA - 10 - A1 - the additional memory
I2C3_SCL - 100 - MCO1 - camera interface
I2C3_SDA - 99 - SD_D1/DCMI_DB - SD card / camera
To my mind, the best idea would be to disable the CAN interface.
When you have chosen the preferred I2C port you need to decide whether to remove the peripheral
it is connected to or to disable it by software means (instead of removing components just always
set the needed signals as outputs – disable input and connect additional wires). The final thing to do
is to use 2.2k pull-up resistors on the lines you have chosen (for instance I2C1_SCL and
I2C1_SDA) - I2C requires pull-ups.
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