After pressing “Connect” the programming dialog should appear:
Target AVR now can be erased, flashed with a provided HEX file, FUSES
and LOCK bits can be written and/or verified. For more information please
consult the AvrStudio documentation.
Although the programmer will happily accept setting VTARGET
and ARef in the “HW SETTINGS” tab, these actions will have no effect. The
programmer hardware can only read target VCC and show it
simultaneously in the VTARGET and ARef sliders.
AVRDUDE requires the serial port name, assigned by the Operating System
to AVR-ISP500-TINY. It must be given with the -P command line option.
For Windows systems please check the Device Manager. For Linux systems
the following command will list all USB CDC serial ports:
ls /dev/ttyACM*
For MacOS X systems the following command will list all serial ports:
ls /dev/cu.*