OLIMEX© 2015
A10-OLinuXino-LIME user's manual
6.12 Additional hardware components
The components below are mounted on OLinuXino but are not discussed above. They are listed
here for completeness:
Reset button –
used to reset the board
Power button –
used to reset the board
Recovery button –
used to reset the board
512MB = 1× [4Gb (256M x 16bit)] DDR3 SDRAM –
the exact memory used currently in the
board is SAMSUNG K4B4G1646D-BCK0
The DDR3 memory part name in the schematic might be outdated. We have used a number of
different but fully compatible DDR3 memories due to supply unavailability. It is always
recommended to check the exact memory name printed on the component itself.
4GB = 1× [32Gb (4096M x 8 bit)] NAND FLASH
– only available on the 4GB version of the
board; the exact memory used in the board revision mentioned is Hynix H27UBG8T2A
PWR_LED – turns on upon powering the board
CHGLED – lights when charging a battery connected to the Li-Po battery connector.
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