MG-IP TDM Over IP Gateway Reference Manual
IWF RX: PW enters LOPS state TSP TX:
Uses FrameLOPSPolicy to determine the payload and
signaling performed on the payload and on the entire trunk
Default is to play out the idle pattern instead of the payload
Optionally, an “all ones” pattern is played out on the entire
T1/E1 trunk
Optionally, the idle pattern is played out and idle signaling
is performed for the relevant time slots
Generates packets with the R bit set
IWF RX: PW exits LOPS state
Plays out data from jitter buffer
Generates packets with the R bit cleared
The following figures present examples of transferring events across the network. Figure 33 shows the
transfer of the RAI failure across the network, while Figure 34 demonstrates a case of loss of packets.
Figure 33: RAI Transfer
Figure 34: Loss of Packets
At the IWF TX, it is possible to have the R flag set to 01, together with either the L flag or the M flag.
If for some reason, the TSP RX detects L flag setting defects simultaneously with M flag setting
defects, priority is given to the L flag defects, the L flag is set to 1, and M is sent as 00.
M bit set
According to
RD Policy
(none, ldle, RAI)
According to
R Flag Policy
(none, ldle, RAI)
According to
Packet Replace
(none, ldle, AIS)