Ohm Metrics
Duel Footwear/Wrist Strap Tester:
Model GTS 900
The GTS 900 combo tester is a three-state touch tester
designed for fast and accurate testing of ESD ground de-
vices. The GTS 900 incorporates a unique dual test cir-
cuit which eliminates the need for separate wrist-strap
and foot grounder testers which saves money and space.
This tester fully supports the “Compliance Verification
Plan” requirements as stated in the ANSI ESD S20.20.
Reliable, Repeatable Results
Accuracy and reliability are key strengths of the GTS 900.
Test parameters are standard but can be adjusted to
match your own specifications. Wrist-strap testing is set
with the ideal 750 kilohm-10 megohm circuit and a 750
kilogm-100 megohm circuit for accurate testing of foot
grounders. False alarms disappear and adjustments are
not necessary.
Features include:
Combination Wrist Strap/footwear testing
Wrist Strap Range 750 kilohm
10 megohm
Footwear Range 750 kilohm - 100 megohm*
Low and High failure alarm modes
Split footplate design