Safety signals
Important information concerning safety is
distinguished in this manual by the
following notations:
This Safety alert symbol means: Caution!
Your safety is involved.
Failure to follow warning instructions could
result in severe or fatal injury to anyone
working with, inspecting or using the sus-
pension, or to bystanders.
Caution indicates that special precautions
must be taken to avoid damage to the
This indicates information that is of impor-
tance with regard to procedures.
All of Öhlins advanced suspension products
are adapted to the brand and model. This
means that length, travel spring action and
damping charac teristics, are tested individ-
ually just for the motorcycle that you have
decided to fit with Öhlins suspension.
Before installation
Öhlins Racing AB can not be held re spon -
si ble for any damage whatsoever to sus-
pen sion or vehicle, or injury to persons, if
the instruc tions for fitting and main tenance
are not fol lowed exactly. Similarly, the
warranty will be come null and void if the
instructions are not ad hered to.
1. Installing a suspension, that is not ap-
proved by the vehicle man u fac tur er, may
affect the stability of your ve hi cle. Öhlins
Rac ing AB cannot be held responsible for
any per son al in ju ry or dam age what so ev er
that may oc cur after fi t ting the sus pen sion.
Contact an Öhlins deal er for advice.
2. Please study and make certain that you
ful ly un der stand all the mount ing in struc tions
and the owner´s man u als before han dling
this suspension kit. If you have any questions
regarding proper in stal la tion pro ce dures,
contact an Öhlins deal er or.
3. The vehicle service manual must be
re ferred to when installing the Öhlins sus-
Öhlins products are subject to con tin u al
improve ment and de vel op ment. Con se -
quent ly, although these in struc tions in clude
the most up-to-date in for ma tion available
at the time of print ing, there may be minor
dif fer enc es between your sus pen sion and
this manual. Please con sult your Öhlins
dealer if you have any ques tions with re-
gard to the con tents of the manual.
During storage and transportation, es pe -
cial ly at high ambient tem per a ture, the oil
and grease used for as sem bling may run
out inside the pack ing and dam age the ex-
panded pol y sty rene pack ing ma te ri al. This
is not unusual and is in no way det ri men tal
to the suspension.
© Öhlins Racing AB.
All rights reserved.
Any reprinting or unauthorized use
without the written permission of
Öhlins Racing AB is prohibited.
Printed in Sweden.
Содержание FG 670
Страница 1: ...Owners Manual hlins Superbike Front Fork FG 670...
Страница 21: ...Notes 21...
Страница 27: ...Notes 27...