OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / www.ofite.com
34. Allow the cell to cool to room temperature.
35. Remove the cell from the heating jacket after once again checking that
the valve stems are tightly closed.
An optional Cell Carrying Tool (#170-40) makes this a simple and safe
The test cell will still be under approximately 600 PSI (4.140 kPa) of pres
sure. To avoid possible injury, keep the cell upright and cool it to room
temperature before disassembling. The cell must be cool for at least one
hour at room temperature before removing the cell cap.
36. Using extreme care to save the filter cake, place the cooled cell upright
with the outlet side down. Slowly open (loosen) the inlet valve stem to
bleed off pressure from the cell body.
Pressure cannot be relieved from the cell by opening the outlet valve
stem as the filter cake will seal off the cell. It is a good idea to open the
valve stem with the cell inside a sink or with a rag over the valve stem in
order to catch any liquid that might be ejected.
37. Once the pressure is released, tighten the valve stem again to keep the
fluid inside. Then turn the cell over.
38. Loosen the valve stem and unscrew and remove the outlet cell cap. Use
the supplied cell cap wrench to loosen the threads.
If the cell cap is difficult to unscrew, the pressure port may be clogged.
Use the HTHP Pressure Relief Tool (#170-91) to clear the obstruction.
39. Carefully remove the cement screen and deposited cake. Be careful not
to damage the filter cake. Carefully wash any residual fluid from the sur
face of the filter cake.
Pour out the test fluid.
Clean and dry the apparatus thoroughly after each use. Inspect all of the
o-rings and replace any that show signs of wear or damage.