ExamWRITER 7.0/7.1/7.2/7.3 Enhancements
ExamWRITER 7.0/7.1/7.2/7.3 Enhancements 12
Completely redesigned and improved Contact Lens Rx window that includes
locations for recording the following information:
DOT (rigid lenses only)
Blends (rigid lenses only)
Seg Ht
Multiple base curves
Trial and final contact lens wear schedules
Trial and final contact lens replenishment schedules
Trial and final contact lens quantities
Bitoric, bifocal, and sphere rigid lenses
If you select a rigid, single vision contact lens from the Select
Contact Lens window, you will be able to view and record rigid
sphere information. If you select a rigid, multi-focal lens from
the Select Contact Lens window, you will be able to view and
record rigid bifocal information. Appropriate Rx fields are
displayed for each lens category that you select.
You must assign contact lenses to a lens category in order for
them to appear in the Select Contact Lens window and be
selected for an Rx.