ODYS MP3-Player X25
Cause and solution
Without power
Whether the battery is enough.
Please confirm whether turn on the player.
The keys does not
Insure that the Key-Lock is not active.
Without sound inside
Please confirm the volume is not in the status
of Zero and the connection of earphone is ok.
Please confirm the earphone is clean
The broken MP3 will produce noise with
different grades even cannot play music.
Please confirm the complete files.
Try another pair of headphones.
The character on the
display screen is in
abnormal shape.
Please confirm the language that you selected
is correct.
Cannot download music
Whether the installation of driver is OK
Check whether damaged the connection of
USB and the connection is OK. Check whether
there’s any empty memory space.
Be sure that button lock is deactivated.
No USB connection is
established to the PC.
Check cable/plug connection to the PC,
Windows system configuration and USB driver.
Restart PC, remove and reconnect the USB
cable, reinstall drivers
If the malfunction continues, contact customer