9 C-Quant Program
Instruction Manual C-Quant ( G/80000/1007/en)
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Here you can adjust user-specific settings (language and date format) as well as sys-
tem settings.
Information Boxes (C-Quant Program)
The main window is subdivided into a number of fields.
Common data
The patients name and date of birth are displayed in the upper left corner of the main
Fig. 9-2: Common data
Examination specific data
Fig. 9-3: Relevant data to the examination
This is where to enter all data relevant to the examination:
Select the eye to be examined.
The measurement range can be chosen to fit the kind of patient.
For many eyes the E range (default) is efficient.
Very young and healthy eyes are more effectively studied with a lower range setting.
Very old patients or high straylight eyes are more effectively studied with a higher range
setting (see sect. 12, page 35).