Dual Direction
The Dual Direction program alternates two-minute forward intervals with
one-minute, lower resistance backward intervals. Begin the program by entering
the forward and backward stride lengths and the high resistance (for the forward
interval). The default high resistance level is 5, but you can increase or decrease
it by pressing the Level (
) buttons. The backward interval level is initially set
to the forward interval minus 4 levels (backward interval = forward interval level
– 4 levels).
During the workout, the level and stride length can be independently
changed for an interval by pressing the Stride (
) and Level (
) buttons.
However, reverse stride can not be longer than forward stride, and low resistance
can not be higher than high resistance. Changed settings apply for the remainder
of the workout (unless you change them again).
stride Burst
The Stride Burst program alternates one-minute long stride, higher resistance
intervals with two-minute shorter stride, lower resistance recovery intervals.
Begin the program by entering the long and short stride lengths and the high
resistance (for the long stride interval). The default resistance level is 5, but
you can increase or decrease it by pressing the Level (
) buttons. The initial
shorter stride interval resistance level equals the longer stride interval minus
4 levels (short stride interval = long stride interval level – 4 levels). During the
workout, the stride length and/or resistance level can be changed for the interval
by pressing the Stride (
) and Level (
) buttons. However, short stride
cannot be longer than the long stride, and low resistance cannot be higher than
high resistance. Changed settings apply for the remainder of the workout (unless
you change them again).