mounting onto the camera rods
Mounting the O-Focus DM to the lens requires the assembly to
be adjusted in two steps: first assemble and mount the O-Focus
on the camera rods, then adjust the main bridge, until the driver
gear engages with the lens focus drive.
For more information about the focal length and diameter of a
wide range of camera lenses visit OConnor Labs online at the
OConnor website (OConnor > Labs > ‘Lens Diameters’).
Mount the O-Focus DM to the lens focus
drive. Push the main bridge towards the lens
focus drive, until the serrations of the driver
gear fully engage. Take care not to overtighten
the gear on the lens focus drive.
With the 15 mm LWS rod bridge securely
mounted underneath the lens, turn the lock
lever counter-clockwise to release the main
bridge assembly.