The scanning gun restores set barcode “1”, and then scans
“2”. Can also refer to Page 20’s factory default and operate.
2. Automatic scanning setting
Scan and set barcode “automatic scanning”, the laser
light always lights, place barcode in the right position of
depth of field and to automatic scannning, and then carry
out the second scanning after taking away. If restore to
maunal scanning, scan and read Page 9 in proper order, the
scanning gun restores set barcode “1”, and then scan “2”.
3. Wireless mode function setting
A Channel setting
(setting under normal mode)
When leaving factory, the channel is uniformly designed as
01(setting range of 01-20), if users need to set different
scanning guns as different channels, scan and read
“CHSET” barcode in proper order under Page 9 channel
setting and then scans corresponding digital barcode under
setting parameter (first scanning should set ten digits of
channel, and then scan single digit).
B User ID setting
(setting under normal mode)
When leaving factory, the channel is uniformly designed as
00 (setting range of 00-99), if users need to distinguish
different scanning gun, they can set different ID. Scan and
read “IDSET” barcode in proper order under Page 10 user
ID setting and then scan corresponding digital barcode
under setting parameter (first scanning should set ten digits
of channel, and then scan single digit). If users need to show
ID number before barcode, need to scan “ID display”
barcode under Page 10 user ID setting, if do not display,
need to scan “ID hidden” barcode.