Sauna & Steam
Oceanic Saunas 01902 450 550 [email protected]
3 Way Fragrance Pump Manual
1. Introduction
Thank you for choosing to buy our Oceanic 3 way fragrance pump OC-EP, please take the time to
read these instructions before you begin as they contain important information about the
installation and maintenance requirements.
OC-EP fragrance pump operates at 9V via a mains transformer.
We recommend the use of Steamaroma fragrance concentrates for use with this pump.
2. Parameter and functions
2.1. Power supply transformer
Input Voltage 220V ~ 240V
Output Voltage: Output I 9VAC, 5W
Outpur II 9VAC, 30W
2.2. OC-EP(3 way)function instruction (figure 1)