Before cleaning, unplug the appliance:
- It is advisable to periodically clean the refrigerator.
a) on the outside, with a cloth soaked in a solution of warm water and
liquid soap.
Wash and rinse with clean water, then wipe dry.
b) inside, with lukewarm water.
Remove the plug from the socket, wait for the appropriate compartment
to defrost.
Wash the inside of the refrigerator, racks, rays with warm water and
baking soda (Add about 2 tablespoons of baking soda to 1 liter of water).
Rinse with clear water, then wipe.
CAUTION: Do not use abrasive cleaners.
CAUTION: Be careful that water does not enter the thermostat box.
CAUTION: If the unit is to remain idle for a long time, it is recommended to
disconnect the power and leave the door ajar to prevent the formation of
unpleasant odors.
Avertissement : N'utilisez jamais d'appareils électriques, de sprays
dégivrants ou d'objets pointus ou coupant comme des couteaux ou
des fourches pour enlever la glace.
5. Attendez que l'appareil refroidisse et replacez la nourriture dans les