KTA-282 Modbus TCP Weather Station Gateway
A number of LED’s have been provided to assist with troubleshooting, should you run into problems with the KTA-
Power Connected
Without any connections made except power, the Tx LED next to the DE-9 port should flash red once roughly every
5 seconds. This confirms the gateway is on and operational.
Weather station Comms
If the Gateway is receiving messages from the weather station, the green Rx LED should flash in response to the
red Tx LED roughly every 10 seconds.
If a valid connection is made on Ethernet cable between another controller, network card, or Ethernet switch, at
least one LED on the Ethernet socket will be illuminated – regardless of TCP/IP settings. If not, there is a problem
with the network equipment.
If any type of serial data is sent over RS-485, the Rx LED will flash. If the serial data is a valid Modbus command at
the correct address, baudrate, and parity, the gateway will send a response. This will cause the green Tx LED to
Troubleshooting Procedure
1. Begin with the Gateway disconnected from all cabling and all DIP switches in the off position.
2. Apply 8 to 28 volts to the power terminals. Check the Tx LED next to the DE-9 port. It should flash red
roughly once every 5 seconds. If so, move to step 3. If not:
1. Check the wires of the power supply are the correct way around.
2. Probe the power terminals with a multimeter to ensure you are receiving the required DC voltage.
3. Plug the weather station into the KTA-282 using the DE-9 connector. Check the Rx LED next to the DE-9
connector. It should now flash green in combination with the red LED. If so, move to step 4. If not:
1. Check that the weather station is powered.
2. Check the WeatherLink is correctly installed.
3. Check the cabling from the weather station to the gateway.
4. Plug an Ethernet cable from the gateway to a controller (either directly or via an Ethernet switch). After a
moment, the lights on the Ethernet socket should illuminate/flash. If so, go to step 4. If not, there is a
problem with the network hardware. Try:
1. Making a direct connection between the KTA-282 and a PC.
5. Use the switches to set the TCP/IP settings. Using a machine in the same subnet, browse to the IP
address of the gateway. If you see the KTA-282 webpage, you have successful Ethernet communications.
The gateway can be polled by a Modbus TCP/IP master on this address. If not:
1. Check your network settings to make sure the gateway is in the same subnet as your other
network hardware. On windows:
1. Press: w R to open the run dialogue box.
Type “cmd” to open the command prompt
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