Using remote control
On the alpha-numerical keypad, press each button repeatedly to cycle through the
letters, numbers and symbols as listed below.
To input a character, scroll to the correct one and when it is highlighted, press the ►
button to input the next character. When it comes to the last character of the
password and it is highlighted, press
to confirm.
Button 1: 1 and different kind of symbols !@#$%^&*()_+[]{};:'”\|,./<>?
Button 2: 2ABCabc
Button 3: 3DEFdef
Button 4: 4GHIghi
Button 5: 5JKLjkl
Button 6: 6MNOmno
Button 7: 7PQRSpqrs
Button 8: 8TUVtuv
Button 9: 9WXYZwxyz
Button 0: 0
Using control button on the radio unit
Use the
knob to scroll through the characters, when the correct one
is highlighted, press
[ ► ]
button to input the next character. When it comes to the
last character of the password and it is highlighted, press
to confirm.
Note: The security code is case sensitive.
How to input security code for your wireless network