March 8, 2009
Océ Arizona 350 GT Printer
Copyright © 2008 BERTL, Inc.
March 8, 2009
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Page 22
In our file-to-print test, we take a 36” x 48” ‘E‘ size file, print one copy, and
measure the total print time from start to finish. The initial RIPping time is 30
to 34 seconds for a standard ‘E’ size drawing, 30 seconds for Production
mode, and 34 seconds for both the Quality and Fine Art modes. Sending the
file to the Controller takes an additional 48 seconds in Production mode and
then increases in increments of around 25 seconds in Quality and Fine Art
modes respectively. BERTL measured actual printing times of 312 seconds
for Production mode, 451 seconds for Quality mode, and 551 seconds for
Fine Art mode. Finally after the print is done, it takes the Océ Arizona 350 GT
roughly 20 seconds to reset and be ready for the next print, which yields a
total time of 410 seconds (6 min and 50 sec) in Production, 572 seconds (9
min and 32 sec) in Quality, and 701 seconds (11 min and 41 sec) in Fine Art
For the test print file, we used a mixed color graphic and line drawing test
Then we printed at the maximum 98” x 49” area of the printer. The results
showed RIP times of 40, 51, and 139 seconds for Production, Quality, and
Fine Art mode respectively. The transfer times increased to 267 seconds for
the Fine Art mode. The actual printing times were 511 seconds, 739 seconds,
and 911 seconds for Production, Quality, and Fine Art mode respectively.
Again it took the printer roughly around 20 seconds to reset and be ready for
the next print, giving the total print time of 709 seconds (11 min and 49 sec)
for Production, 1024 seconds (17 min and
4 sec) for Quality, and 1335 seconds (22
min and 15 sec) for Fine Art mode.
Based on these measured print times, we
have calculated that the Océ Arizona 350
GT printer can print around 235 ft
/hr in
Production mode when printing at
maximum allowable print area, which is
close to the listed print speed of 239 ft
by Océ. However this number does not
include the RIP time and the time it takes
to transfer the RIPped file from the
computer to the Controller in order to print
the file. This number is based only on the
actual printing time of the printer and
nothing else.
A more realistic number of the true total
amount of printing the Océ Arizona 350
GT printer can accomplish is 169ft
The RIP, transfer, and 20-second reset
time are factored into the equation, giving
a more reasonable amount of square feet
that can actually be printed in one hour.
The overall performance was in line with
our expectations and our measurement of
the theoretical ft
/hr was actually very
close to Océ’s own claim. The more
realistic number of 169ft
/hr was also
what was expected of the printer, and we
consider this number to be good.